Urban History Association

Established: 1988. Affiliate Since: 2000. Membership: 601. Annual dues: $15 (one year)/$27 (two years) undergraduate students; $25 (one year)/$45 (two years) graduate students; $50 (one year)/$90 (two years) regular; $250 six-year member; $500 life.

Statement of Purpose: The Urban History Association supports and encourages the historical study and teaching of cities, suburbs, and metropolitan regions in all time periods throughout the world.

Annual Meeting: Biennial in October

Publications: TheMetropole.blog and a monthly e-newsletter

Website: http://www.urbanhistory.org/

Primary Contact: Allyson Moralez, dsheinin@urbanhistory.org


Joe W. Trotter Jr.
Carnegie Mellon Univ.
Email: trotter@andrew.cmu.edu

Andrew Sandoval-Strausz
Penn State Univ.
Email: aus1050@psu.edu

Immediate Past President
Heather Ann Thompson
Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Email: hthompsn@umich.edu

Executive Director
Daniela Bohórquez Sheinin
Urban History Association
Email: dsheinin@urbanhistory.org

Membership Secretary
Kara Schlichting
Queens College, CUNY
Email: kara.schlichting@qc.cuny.edu

Editor, Journal of Urban History
David R. Goldfield
University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Email: drgoldfi@uncc.edu

Updated 5/31/23