Historical Society for Twentieth-Century China

Established: 1983. Affiliate Since: 1990. Membership: 120. Annual dues: $65/1 year, $155/3 years regular; $35/1 year, $90/3 year students.

Statement of Purpose: The Historical Society for Twentieth-Century China (HSTCC) is the premier international professional organization for modern Chinese studies. Founded in 1983, the HSTCC has held its biennial meetings in Asia, Europe, and North America, including Vienna, Venice, Singapore, Honolulu, and Philadelphia. The HSTCC has also sponsored and co-organized a dozen symposia and numerous panels at the meetings of the Association for Asian Studies and the American Historical Association. The HSTCC members include many of the most eminent modern China scholars worldwide.

Annual Meeting: Concurrently with Association for Asian Studies annual meeting

Publications: Twentieth-Century China, biannual; Newsletter, biannual

Website: http://hstcconline.org/

Historical Society for 20th-Century China
Dept. of History
Univ. of Houston
Houston, TX 77204

Primary Contact: Xiaoping Cong, xcong@uh.edu


Xiaoping Cong
Univ. of Houston
E-mail: xcong@uh.edu

Vice President
Shellen Wu
Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville
E-mail: swu5@utk.edu

Past President
Timothy Weston
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder
E-mail: weston@colorado.edu

Board Member
He Qiliang
Illinois State Univ.
E-mail: qhe@ilstu.edu

Board Member/Chief Editor, Twentieth-Century China
Margherita Zanasi
Louisiana State Univ.
E-mail: tccedit@lsu.edu

Board Member/Conference Coordinator
David N. Luesink
Sacred Heart Univ.
E-mail: luesinkd@sacredheart.edu

Board Member/Secretary-Treasurer
Fang Qiang
Univ. of Minnesota Duluth
E-mail: qfang@d.umn.edu

Updated 10/15/20