The Association’s 110th annual meeting was held in Atlanta, Georgia, from January 4–7, 1996, headquartered at the Atlanta Hilton and Towers. Many of the profession’s most distinguished members were present to deliver papers, and over 725 scholars, including 62 foreign scholars, participated in the three-day meeting. In addition, over three dozen specialized societies met in conjunction with the AHA, Each society held its own sessions, luncheons, and/or meetings, as well as joint sessions with the Association. John H. Coatsworth of Harvard University delivered the presidential address on the evening of January 5, and the recipients of the 1995 book awards, honorary foreign membership, the Awards for Scholarly Distinction, the Nancy Lyman Roelker Mentorship Award, the John O’Connor Film Award, the William Gilbert Award, and the Eugene Asher Distinguished Teaching Award were announced.