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On ABC’s This Week, Newt Gingrich (PhD, Tulane 1971) spoke “as a historian” concerning the Trump administration’s dismissal of James Comey in the wake of recent investigations into the president’s ties with foreign powers. “You have this legalistic nightmare trying to block the Trump presidency,” Gingrich stated, “and you want me to believe this is all just random behavior. As a historian, I don’t believe it.” The American Historical Association encourages PhD recipients to apply their expertise to occupations beyond the professoriate. In keeping with that mission, Barbara Metcalf, past president of the AHA, extended an open invitation to Gingrich to join the AHA through a 2011 letter in the New York Times. “All of us seriously interested in history, as Mr. Gingrich clearly is, need the kind of ‘continuing education’ that the American Historical Association provides,” Metcalf wrote. “All of us as American citizens, moreover, need figures in public life who demonstrate the breadth and open-mindedness that a historical perspective at its best encourages.”