
The painting on the cover, Revealed: Truths and Myths #2, was created by visual artist Joyce Owens. Owens writes, “My idea was to put a black face on a Renaissance painting to illustrate that the white aesthetic originates (and is perpetuated) through art. That if African Americans are not shown in positive visual images, in paintings, photographs and movies, etc. we will not exist in history except as how others choose to represent us. The Renaissance-inspired figure wears an African mask. What if African culture were as revered internationally as European culture and its imagery? Would people of the African Diaspora be accepted as the standard for beauty?” Owens is an associate professor and curator at Chicago State University in Illinois. You can see more of her art in Steve Hochstadt’s article.

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Shatha Almutawa, interim editor
Stephanie Kingsley, associate editor, web content and social media
Jacob Ingram, editorial assistant
Liz Townsend, coordinator, professional data and job center

Other Articles


March 1, 2015

From the President

The Gift of Mentorship

March 1, 2015

From the Teaching Division

The C3 Framework: Advocating for K-12 Social Studies Education

March 1, 2015

Letters to the Editor

The Last Artifact of the World Trade Center
Pen with paper and envelopes

March 1, 2015

Letters to the Editor

On “Doing History Digitally”
Pen with paper and envelopes

March 1, 2015

Letters to the Editor

Standing with Historians of Japan
Light pink circles across pink and blue background

March 1, 2015

In Memoriam

Otto H. Olsen (1925-2014)
Light pink circles across pink and blue background

March 1, 2015

In Memoriam

Charles Chatfield (1934-2015)
Pen with paper and envelopes

March 1, 2015

From the Editor

Democracy, Liberty, History
Many small yellow circles splashed across a blue and black background

March 1, 2015


Member News, March 2015
A very long line of yellow lines at different brightnesses on a black background

March 31, 2015

AHA Activities, Perspectives Daily

The AHA Attends Humanities Advocacy Day
The National Mall circa 1901, courtesy of Wikipedia.

March 30, 2015

Perspectives Daily

Place-Based Public History

March 27, 2015

Perspectives Daily

Flashback Friday: Stick ’em Up!
A very long line of yellow lines at different brightnesses on a black background

March 27, 2015

AHA Activities, Perspectives Daily

AHA Seeks Editorial Assistant
Pencils on yellow background

March 25, 2015

Perspectives Daily

Decentering the Cold War from the Library of Congress
Spotlight on a dark background

March 25, 2015

Member Spotlight, News, Perspectives Daily

AHA Member Spotlight: Máire Johnson

March 25, 2015

AHA Activities, Perspectives Daily

AHA Job Opening: Staff Accountant
AHA 2020 - New York, NY - January 4, 2020

March 24, 2015

AHA Annual Meeting, Perspectives Daily

Tuning, Teaching and Learning
Pencils on yellow background

March 23, 2015

Perspectives Daily


March 20, 2015

Perspectives Daily

Flashback Friday: Dezome-shiki Acrobats
Spotlight on a dark background

March 18, 2015

Member Spotlight, News, Perspectives Daily

AHA Member Spotlight: Patricia M. E. Lorcin
Oprah Winfrey (center) plays Annie Lee Cooper in SELMA, from Paramount Pictures, Pathé, and Harpo Films.

March 18, 2015

Perspectives Daily

Thin lines of light in green, blue, and yellow in a curved shape against the night sky.

March 17, 2015

News, Perspectives Daily

AHA Member Receives National Book Critics Circle Award
Web and social media editor Stephanie Kingsley takes a moment to work on a blog post, surrounded by screens and app billboards.

March 16, 2015

AHA Activities, Perspectives Daily

AHA Staff and Members Reflect on the Annual Meeting
Spotlight on a dark background

March 12, 2015

Member Spotlight, News, Perspectives Daily

AHA Member Spotlight: Colin J. Davis
Pencils on yellow background

March 12, 2015

Perspectives Daily

Announcing the AHA Today Blog Contest!
Pencils on yellow background

March 10, 2015

Career Paths, Perspectives Daily

Professional Development vs. Professor Development

March 9, 2015

Perspectives Daily

AHA Signs Amicus Curiae on Same-Sex Marriage

March 9, 2015

The Brouhaha over Selma

March 6, 2015

Perspectives Daily

Flashback Friday: Callsign “Iceman”
Spotlight on a dark background

March 5, 2015

Member Spotlight, Perspectives Daily

Member Spotlight: Brian Jeffrey Maxson
A very long line of yellow lines at different brightnesses on a black background

March 4, 2015

AHA Activities, Perspectives Daily

2015 AHA Nominations
Pencils on yellow background

March 4, 2015

Perspectives Daily

A History of the AHA O’Connor Film Award
Pencils on yellow background

March 3, 2015

Perspectives Daily

Putting History into Practice
Pencils on yellow background

March 2, 2015

Perspectives Daily

Déjà Vu All Over Again
