Publication Date

March 1, 2015

Perspectives Section

AHA Activities


Vicki L. Ruiz (Univ. of California, Irvine), president; Patrick Manning (Univ. of Pittsburgh), president-elect; Jan Goldstein (Univ. of Chicago), immediate past president; Chris McNickle, treasurer; Philippa Levine (Univ. of Texas, Austin), vice president, Professional Division; Edmund P. Russell III (Univ. of Kansas), vice president, Research Division; Elaine K. Carey (St. John’s Univ., NY), vice president, Teaching Division; David A. Bell (Princeton Univ.); Catherine A. Epstein (Amherst Coll.); Trinidad Gonzales (South Texas Coll.); Farina Mir (Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor); Randall M. Packard (Johns Hopkins Univ.); Valerie Paley (New-York Historical Soc.); Joshua L. Reid (Univ. of Massachusetts, Boston); Mary Louise Roberts (Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison); Brenda J. Santos (Achievement First Amistad High Sch.)

Professional Division

Philippa Levine, vice president; Catherine A. Epstein; Valerie Paley; Mary Louise Roberts

Research Division

Edmund P. Russell III, vice president; David A. Bell; Farina Mir; Randall M. Packard

Teaching Division

Elaine K. Carey, vice president; Trinidad Gonzales; Joshua L. Reid; Brenda J. Santos

Nominating Committee

Takashi Fujitani (Univ. of Toronto), chair; Paula Alonso (George Washington Univ.); Leila Fawaz (Tufts Univ.); François Furstenberg (Johns Hopkins Univ.); Thavolia Glymph (Duke Univ.); Jana K. Lipman (Tulane Univ.); Edward W. Muir Jr. (Northwestern Univ.); Sophia A. Rosenfeld (Univ. of Virginia); Pamela Scully (Emory Univ.)

Committee on Committees

Patrick Manning, chair; Daniel Bornstein (Washington Univ., St. Louis); Michele Mitchell (New York Univ.); Cynthia Radding (Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill); Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom (Univ. of California, Irvine)

Standing Committees

Committee on Affiliated Societies: Patrick Manning, chair; Sandra E. Greene (Cornell Univ.); Thomas F. X. Noble (Univ. of Notre Dame); David Warren Sabean (Univ. of California, Los Angeles)

Committee on the Harold Vyvyan Harmsworth Professorship in American History: Vicki L. Ruiz, chair; Patrick Manning; Richard Blackett (Vanderbilt Univ.); Gary L. Gerstle (Univ. of Cambridge); Philip D. Morgan (Johns Hopkins Univ.)

Committee on International Historical Activities: Joel F. Harrington (Vanderbilt Univ.), chair; John D. Garrigus (Univ. of Texas, Arlington); Joseph Patrick Harahan (US Commission on Military History); Carol E. Harrison (Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia); Harry Liebersohn (Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)

Committee on Minority Historians: Melissa Nicole Stuckey (Univ. of Oregon), chair; Devyn Spence Benson (Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge); David A. Chang (Univ. of Minnesota, Twin Cities); Maria L. O. Munoz (Susquehanna Univ.); Tyler E. Stovall (Univ. of California, Santa Cruz)

Committee on Women Historians: Maria Bucur (Indiana Univ.), chair; Indrani Chatterjee (Univ. of Texas, Austin); Richard Godbeer (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.); Karen T. Leathem (Louisiana State Museum); Aiala T. Levy (Univ. of Chicago)

Graduate and Early Career Committee: Anita Casavantes Bradford (Univ. of California, Irvine), chair; Joshua L. Reid, co-chair and Council rep.; Jesse Levis Cromwell (Univ. of Mississippi); Erica Heinsen-Roach (Univ. of South Florida, St. Petersburg); Elizabeth Lundeen (Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill); Adam J. Pratt (Univ. of Scranton)

Awards Committees

Committee on the Herbert Baxter Adams Prize: Susan R. Grayzel (Univ. of Mississippi), chair; Gary B. Cohen (Univ. of Minnesota, Twin Cities); Craig M. Koslofsky (Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign); Michael Kwass (Johns Hopkins Univ.)

Committee on the George Louis Beer Prize: Padraic J. Kenney (Indiana Univ.), chair; Frank P. Biess (Univ. of California, San Diego); Holly A. Case (Cornell Univ.); J. P. Daughton (Stanford Univ.)

Committee on the Jerry Bentley Prize: Kären E. Wigen (Stanford Univ.), chair; Andrew S. Sartori (New York Univ.); Daniel L. Smail (Harvard Univ.)

Committee on the Albert J. Beveridge Award: Cornelia H. Dayton (Univ. of Connecticut, Storrs), chair; Kristin L. Hoganson (Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign); Emilio Kouri (Univ. of Chicago); Stephen A. Mihm (Univ. of Georgia); Paul S. Sutter (Univ. of Colorado, Boulder)

Committee on the Paul Birdsall Prize: Jonathan Reed Winkler (Wright State Univ.), chair; Nicoletta F. Gullace (Univ. of New Hampshire, Durham); David Holloway (Stanford Univ.)

Committee on the James Henry Breasted Prize: Christine Caldwell Ames (Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia), chair; Susanna K. Elm (Univ. of California, Berkeley); Ian Morris (Stanford Univ.)

Committee on the Albert Corey Prize: Karen A. Balcom (McMaster Univ.), CHA rep.; Damien-Claude Belanger (Univ. of Ottawa), CHA rep.; Susan E. Gray (Arizona State Univ.), AHA rep.; Sheila M. McManus (Univ. of Lethbridge), AHA rep.

Committee on the Raymond J. Cunningham Prize: Amrita Chakrabarti Myers (Indiana Univ.), chair; Lilia Fernandez (Ohio State Univ., Columbus); George B. Forgie (Univ. of Texas, Austin); Cynthia V. Hooper (Coll. of the Holy Cross); Samuel H. Yamashita (Pomona Coll.)

Committee on the John H. Dunning Prize: Juliana Barr (Univ. of Florida), chair; Michael Kazin (Georgetown Univ.); George C. Rable (Univ. of Alabama, Tuscaloosa); Martha A. Sandweiss (Princeton Univ.); John W. Sweet (Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)

Committee on the John K. Fairbank Prize in East Asian History: Thomas S. Mullaney (Stanford Univ.), chair; Alexis Dudden (Univ. of Connecticut, Storrs); Albert L. Park (Claremont McKenna Coll.); Sarah Thal (Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison); Marcia A. Yonemoto (Univ. of Colorado, Boulder)

Committee on the Morris D. Forkosch Prize: Thomas Cogswell (Univ. of California, Riverside), chair; Janet Browne (Harvard Univ.); Arianne J. Chernock (Boston Univ.); Linda Jane Colley (Princeton Univ.); Geoffrey G. Field (Purchase Coll., State Univ. of New York)

Committee on the Leo Gershoy Award: Robert C. Ritchie (Huntington Library), chair; Richard L. Kagan (Johns Hopkins Univ.); James V. H. Melton (Emory Univ.); Kathryn Norberg (Univ. of California, Los Angeles); Magda Teter (Wesleyan Univ.)

Committee on the J. Franklin Jameson Award: Lisa Wolverton (Univ. of Oregon), chair; Raymond Clemens (Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library); Barbara B. Oberg (Princeton Univ.); Patricia A. Sullivan (Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia); Daniel Robert Woolf (Queen’s Univ., Can.)

Committee on the Friedrich Katz Prize: Brodwyn M. Fischer (Univ. of Chicago), chair; Jeremy I. Adelman (Princeton Univ.); Matt David O’Hara (Univ. of California, Santa Cruz)

Committee on the Joan Kelly Memorial Prize in Women’s History: Antoinette M. Burton (Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), chair; Kathleen M. Brown (Univ. of Pennsylvania); Amy M. Froide (Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore County); Serena Mayeri (Univ. of Pennsylvania); Judith Surkis (Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick)

Committee on the Martin A. Klein Prize in African History: Lisa A. Lindsay (Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill), chair; Nwando Achebe (Michigan State Univ.); Tabitha Kanogo (Univ. of California, Berkeley)

Committee on the Littleton-Griswold Prize: Adrienne Davis (Washington Univ., St. Louis), chair; Laura F. Edwards (Duke Univ.); Hendrik Hartog (Princeton Univ.); Michael Meranze (Univ. of California, Los Angeles); Barbara Young Welke (Univ. of Minnesota, Twin Cities)

Committee on the J. Russell Major Prize: Leslie Tuttle (Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge), chair; Michael B. Miller (Univ. of Miami); Allan A. Tulchin (Shippensburg Univ.)

Committee on the Helen & Howard R. Marraro Prize in Italian History: Borden W. Painter Jr. (Trinity Coll., Conn.), chair, SIHS rep.; Carl D. Ipsen (Indiana Univ.), AHA rep.; Valerie Ramseyer (Wellesley Coll.), ACHA rep.

Committee on the George L. Mosse Prize: Brad S. Gregory (Univ. of Notre Dame), chair; Celia S. Applegate (Vanderbilt Univ.); Allyson M. Poska (Univ. of Mary Washington)

Committee on the John E. O’Connor Film Award: Philip J. Ethington (Univ. of Southern California), chair; Desiree J. Garcia (Arizona State Univ.); Theresa E. Runstedtler (American Univ.)

Committee on the James Rawley Prize in Atlantic History: Matt D. Childs (Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia), chair; Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra (Univ. of Texas, Austin); Sarah Knott (Indiana Univ.)

Committee on the Premio Del Rey: Theresa M. Earenfight (Seattle Univ.), chair; Debra G. Blumenthal (Univ. of California, Santa Barbara); Brian A. Catlos (Univ. of Colorado, Boulder); Gretchen Starr-LeBeau (Univ. of Kentucky); David J. Wasserstein (Vanderbilt Univ.)

Committee on the John F. Richards Prize: David P. Gilmartin (North Carolina State Univ.), chair; Manu Goswami (New York Univ.); Sumit Guha (Univ. of Texas, Austin)

Committee on the James Harvey Robinson Prize: Kelly Schrum (Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media), chair; Robert B. Bain (Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor); Rudolph M. Bell (Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick); James Harris (Saint Margaret’s Episcopal Sch.); Sarah Elizabeth Shurts (Bergen Comm. Coll.)

Committee on the Dorothy Rosenberg Prize: David Biale (Univ. of California, Davis), chair; Deborah Dash Moore (Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor); Eric L. Goldstein (Emory Univ.)

Committee on the Roy Rosenzweig Prize for Innovation in Digital History: Stephen M. Robertson (Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media), chair, GMU rep.; Sharon Block (Univ. of California, Irvine), AHA rep.; Sharon M. Leon (George Mason Univ.), GMU rep.; Jeffrey W. McClurken (Univ. of Mary Washington), GMU rep.; Kelly A. McCullough (German Historical Inst.), AHA rep.

Committee on the Wesley-Logan Prize: Walter C. Rucker Jr. (Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick), chair, AHA rep.; Frank A. Guridy (Occidental Coll.), AHA rep.; Jim C. Harper II (North Carolina Central Univ.), ASALH rep.; Melina Pappademos (Univ. of Connecticut, Storrs), AHA rep.; Nikki Marie Taylor (Texas Southern Univ.), ASALH rep.

Awards for Scholarly and Professional Distinction

Committee on the Herbert Feis Award: James F. Brooks (Univ. of California, Santa Barbara), chair; Paul Gardullo (Smithsonian Inst.); G. Kurt Piehler (Florida State Univ.); Eric Sandweiss (Indiana Univ.); Patricia A. Schechter (Portland State Univ.)

Committee on the Nancy L. Roelker Mentorship Award: Thomas M. Heaney (Feather River Coll.), chair; Margaret Lavinia Anderson (Univ. of California, Berkeley); Jonathan H. Earle (Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge); Nancy J. McTygue (Univ. of California, Davis); Bryant T. Ragan (Colorado Coll.)

Committee on Teaching Prizes: Roland Spickermann (Univ. of Texas, Permian Basin), chair, AHA rep.; Melissa L. Cooper (Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia), AHA rep.; Maribel Dietz (Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge), AHA rep.; Tim W. Keirn (California State Univ., Long Beach), SHE rep.; Carol Sheriff (Coll. of William and Mary), AHA rep.

Grant and Fellowship Committees

Committee on the J. Franklin Jameson Fellowship: Sharon Harley (Univ. of Maryland, Coll. Park), chair; Benjamin L. Alpers (Univ. of Oklahoma); Katherine A. Benton-Cohen (Georgetown Univ.); Christopher Capozzola (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology); Gregory P. Downs (City Coll., NY)

Committee on the NASA/AHA Fellowship: Neil M. Maher (Rutgers Univ., Newark/New Jersey Inst. of Tech.), chair, AHA rep.; Steven Dick (NASA, ret.), HSS rep.; Andrew J. Dunar (Univ. of Alabama, Huntsville), OAH rep.; Amy E. Foster (Univ. of Central Florida), NCPH rep.; Peter Benjamin Meyer (US Bureau of Labor Statistics), EHA rep.; Asif A. Siddiqi (Fordham Univ.), AHA rep.

Committee on Beveridge Research Grants: Brett Rushforth (Coll. of William and Mary), chair; Marjorie R. Becker (Univ. of Southern California); Omar S. Valerio-Jimenez (Univ. of Iowa)

Committee on Kraus Research Grants: Sharon V. Salinger (Univ. of California, Irvine), chair; Konstantin Dierks (Indiana Univ.); Evan Haefeli (Texas A&M Univ., Coll. Station)

Committee on Littleton-Griswold Research Grants: Kenneth F. Ledford (Case Western Reserve Univ.), chair; Cathleen D. Cahill (Univ. of New Mexico); Terri L. Snyder (California State Univ., Fullerton)

Committee on Bernadotte E. Schmitt Research Grants: Rita A. Krueger (Temple Univ.), chair; Parks M. Coble (Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln); Rhonda M. Gonzales (Univ. of Texas, San Antonio)

Ad Hoc Committees

2016 Program Committee: Maria E. Montoya (New York Univ.), 2016 chair; Douglas M. Haynes (Univ. of California, Irvine), 2016 co-chair; Shannon T. Bontrager (Georgia Highlands Coll., Cartersville); David A. Chang (Univ. of Minnesota, Twin Cities); Wendy J. Eagan (Walt Whitman High Sch.); Walter W. Hawthorne (Michigan State Univ.); Kyle Longley (Arizona State Univ.); Steven B. Miles (Washington Univ., St. Louis); Reinaldo L. Roman (Univ. of Georgia); E. Natalie Rothman (Univ. of Toronto, Scarborough); Tara Elisabeth Travis (National Park Service); Andrew Zimmerman (George Washington Univ.); Anand A. Yang (Univ. of Washington, Seattle), 2017 chair; Edda L. Fields-Black (Carnegie Mellon Univ.), 2017 co-chair

Committee on Contingent Faculty: Philip Charles Suchma (St. John’s Univ./Lehman Coll., CUNY/Fordham Univ.), co-chair; Lynn Weiner (Roosevelt Univ.), co-chair; Monique Laney (Auburn Univ.); Sharlene Sayegh (California State Univ., Long Beach); Charles A. Zappia (San Diego Mesa Coll.)

Committee on Professional Evaluation of Digital Scholarship by Historians: Edward L. Ayers (Univ. of Richmond), chair; David A. Bell; Peter K. Bol (Harvard Univ.); Timothy J. Burke (Swarthmore Coll.); Jan E. Goldstein; James N. Gregory (Univ. of Washington, Seattle); Claire Bond Potter (New School); Janice L. Reiff (Univ. of California, Los Angeles); Kathryn Tomasek (Wheaton Coll., Mass.)


Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies: Anne E. Gorsuch (Univ. of British Columbia)

American Council of Learned Societies: George J. Sanchez (Univ. of Southern California)

Friends of the German Historical Institute: Peter Jelavich (Johns Hopkins Univ.)

National Historical Publications and Records Commission: William G. Thomas III (Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln)

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Liz Townsend
Liz Townsend

American Historical Association