Each week we scour the web for interesting and historic documents that catch our eye. This week’s image surfaced while we were doing a little background searching for our Grant of the Week on the Buffalo Bill Center of the West. We give you the Annie Oakley, record-setting sharpshooter, posing contently with a rifle given to her by Buffalo Bill.
- Title: Annie Oakley, with gun Buffalo Bill gave her / staff photo.
- Date Created/Published: 1922.
- Reproduction Number: LC-USZ62-126783 (b&w film copy neg.)
- Call Number: NYWTS – BIOG–Oakley, Annie–Sharpshooter [item] [P&P]
- Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C., 20540 USA
- Stable URL: https://www.loc.gov/pictures/item/00651800/
We also found an 1894 recording of Ms. Oakley displaying her talents with a rifle.
- Created by: Thomas Edison Company
- Published: 1894
- Stable URL: https://archive.org/details/AnnieOakley
This post first appeared on AHA Today.
Jacob Ingram is the editorial assistant for the AHA.
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