From the AHA
AHA Invites Participation in CAW Survey of Contingent Workforce
On behalf of the Coalition on the Academic Workforce (CAW), the AHA invites all historians and other faculty employed in…
Grading the Obama Administration on Access and Secrecy
On January 21, 2009, stating, “My administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in government,” President Barack…
News Briefs, November 2010
Congress Delays Consideration of Fiscal 2011 Budget The U.S. Congress recessed for the fall elections without passing any of the…
Friends of the Court: A New Role for Historians
In 2002, Nancy Cott and I co-authored a historians’ brief in the Massachusetts same-sex marriage case,Goodridge v. Department of Public…
How Is New Media Reshaping the Work of Historians?
Editor’s Note: This is the second of three articles reporting findings from the spring 2010 survey of research and teaching…
Reading, Writing, and the Art of History
Most of the essays published in the “Art of History” series have been about writing history. But we spend a…
Methodology and Mao: Teaching U.S. History in China
The 20-foot-tall, white marble statue of Chairman Mao with his right arm outstretched stands firmly in the center of the…
Combining Intergenerational Interviews with Creative Drama in U.S. History
Engaging high school students and retirees in oral interviews about U.S. history, and then using those interviews as the basis…
The History of Medicine: Challenges and Futures
Introduction The recently announced closure over the next two years of the Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine…
Remembering the Rose Report
The AHA has a long-standing concern for the status of women in a profession traditionally dominated by men. Over the…
Member News, November 2010
Editor’s Note: The purpose of this column, which is published in Perspectives on Historyas space permits, is to recognize and…
Peggy Pascoe (1954-2010)
Scholar of gender, race, and the U.S. West; 2009 winner of AHA’s William H. Dunning Prize and Joan Kelly Prize…
Martin Zachary Njeuma (1940-2010)
1993 Honorary Foreign Member Martin Zachary Njeuma (April 9, 1940–April 28, 2010) was born in Buea, Cameroon, to Isaac Mase…
Robert V. Daniels (1926-2010)
Historian of Soviet Russia; Vermont legislator Robert V. “Bill” Daniels, professor emeritus of history at the University of Vermont (UVM),…
Books by Members – November 2010
As a service to AHA members, we are listing books by membersreceived in the headquarters office in recent months. These…
Session of the Week: History and Fiction
Historians and authors of historical fiction come together in session 156, History and Fiction: Creative Intersections, to discuss researching and…
Call for Proposals: Regions and Regionalisms in the Modern World
The AHA Research Division has proposed a new publication series on the subject of “Regions and Regionalisms in the Modern…
The Job Center: What Candidates Need to Know
David Darlington is associate editor of Perspectives on History and is a co-manager of the Job Center. A version of…
Session of the Week: Getting the Most Out of the Annual Meeting
First time at the annual meeting? Not sure what to expect? Stop by the Getting the Most Out of the…
On Sessions, Methods, and the Counting of Beans
While I hate to quibble with Patricia Cohen of the New York Times, her observation that “Just one of the…
POV Documentaries and Resources for Educators
POV, which stands for point-of-view, is “TV’s longest-running showcase for independent non-fiction films.” Each year, POV presents “14-16 of the…
Register to see “The Conspirator” at the Annual Meeting
The cover of the November issue of Perspectives on History features an image from the The Conspirator, the debut film…
Session of the Week: Teaching Workshop – National History Education Clearinghouse
The Workshop (National History Education Clearinghouse) to be held on Saturday, January 8, 2011 from 8:30 a.m. to 3…
Linda Kerber: Sexing Citizenship
Past AHA President Linda Kerber recently co-authored the Slate article “Sexing Citizenship” with Kristin Collins. In the article they point…
Quiet Room at the 125th Annual Meeting
The AHA will make a Quiet Room available in the Hynes Convention Center, Room 301 for the 125th Annual Meeting…
Smithsonian Institution Collections Search Center
The Smithsonian’s Collections Search Center allows visitors to “ search over 5.4 million records with 460,000 images, video and sound…
Session of the Week: No Sacred Story: Reframing Abraham Lincoln in Historical Memory
For our second “Session of the Week” from the Program of the 125th Annual Meeting we turn to AHA session…
Why Midterms Matter
In an article for the December 2010 issue of Perspectives on History, Julian Zelizer, professor of history and public affairs…
Inexpensive Travel to Boston: Airfare
While the AHA’s 125th Annual Meeting is still two months away, now is a good time to start making travel…
Perspectives on History – November 2010
The online version of the November issue of Perspectives on History is now available to AHA members (sign in to…
Session of the Week: Wise Use of the Methods Course
Once a week from today through the first week in January 2011, we’ll be highlighting a “session of the week”…