Publication Date

November 1, 2010

The 125th annual meeting of the American Historical Association will be held January 6–2011, in Boston at the Boston Marriott Copley Place (headquarters), Sheraton Boston (co-headquarters), Hynes Convention Center, and Westin Copley Place Boston. More than 1,700 scholars, including 236 from other countries, will participate in 397 AHA and affiliate sessions. Fifty-seven specialized affiliated societies and other groups will cosponsor sessions or hold separate luncheons, sessions, and meetings. AHA and affiliate events are summarized in the front portion of theProgram, beginning on page 16 and 19, respectively, with details of sessions listed in the main body of the program. AHA-sponsored session details begin on page 39 with affiliated society sessions following in alphabetical order in each time period.

Noted below are sessions and events sponsored by Association divisions and committees (the number in parentheses indicates the session number):

The AHA Teaching Division is sponsoring four, and cosponsoring two, roundtables and sessions, including “Wise Use of the Methods Course: Teaching Historical Thinking while Preparing Future Teachers to Do the Same” (4), “Teaching the Survey” (79, with the AHA Two-Year College Faculty Task Force), “Nourishing Ideas: Food History in the Archives and the Classroom” (116, with the AHA Research Division), and “America on the World Stage: A Global Perspective to the Teaching American History Program” (153). See pages 10 and 11 of the Program for additional sessions and activities for those with a special interest in history teaching.

The Teaching Division is sponsoring a teaching workshop with the AHA’s Graduate and Early Career Committee and the National History Center, “Recognizing Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching,” on Thursday, January 6. As space is limited, complimentaryadvance registration is required via the meeting’s preregistration process. The workshop is divided into three sessions: “How to Create an Undergraduate Course,” “How to Become an Effective Lecturer,” and “How to Balance Research, Teaching, and Service.”

With the National History Education Clearinghouse, the division is sponsoring for a third year an all-day workshop, scheduled for Saturday, January 8. The workshop will be divided into six sessions: “Clearinghouse Demonstration,” “Teaching with Objects,” “Digital Tools for Teaching and Learning American History,” “Public Media and the Case for Digital History: New Directions and Opportunities for Students, Teachers, and Historians,” “Talking about Text: Methods for Engaging Students in Historical Analysis,” and “Resources to Teach about Immigration.” The Center for History and New Media at George Mason University in partnership with the AHA and the National History Center created the clearinghouse with funding from the U.S. Department of Education (Contract Number ED-07-CO-0088). See page 73 of the program for complete details of the workshop’s sessions, demonstrations, and speakers. For additional information on the clearinghouse, visit its web site at

The division will cosponsor theAdvanced Placement luncheon on Saturday, January 8 with the College Board. Laurel Thatcher Ulrich (Harvard Univ. and immediate past president of the AHA) will speak on the theme, “When the Past Isn’t Prologue: Rethinking the ‘Colonial Period.’” William Tinkler of the College Board will preside.

For the 20th year, the AHA Professional Division continues its sponsorship of a workshop on “Interviewing in the Job Market in the Twenty-First Century” (37, in conjunction with the AHA Graduate and Early Career Committee and the Coordinating Council for Women in History). On Friday, January 7, in the 9:30–11:30 a.m. time period, session attendees will be divided into small interviewee groups, each led by a college or university faculty member or a public historian who will lead a discussion of successful interview strategies. Vice President of the Professional Division Trudy Huskamp Peterson (consulting archivist) will preside.

The division is also sponsoring three additional sessions and roundtables, “Careers in History: The Variety of the Profession” (3, with the AHA Graduate and Early Career Committee), “The Academic Job Market: Finding Solutions in a Time of Crisis” (115, with the AHA Research Division), and “When Universities Put Dissertations on the Internet: New Practice, New Problem?”

In the Saturday midday time period, two members of the division, Trudy Huskamp Peterson and Kristin L. Ahlberg (Office of the Historian, U.S. Dept. of State), will take part in a roundtable, “Making Equitable Tenure Decisions for Public History Faculty” (152), with fellow participants Kathleen Franz (American Univ.) and Briann Greenfield (Central Connecticut State Univ.). That evening the division will sponsor two receptions. From 6:00–7:30 p.m., the division will host a reception for public historians and anyone with an interest in public history. From 7:30–9:00 p.m. the division will sponsor areception for part-time and adjunct faculty.

The AHA Research Division will sponsor six sessions and roundtables: “The Battle over Assessment and Ranking of History Departments” (77); “The Academic Job Market: Finding Solutions in a Time of Crisis” (115, with the AHA Professional Division); “Nourishing Ideas: Food History in the Archives and the Classroom” (116, with the AHA Teaching Division); and “What’s Next? Patterns and Practices in History in Print and Online” (191, with the American Association for History and Computing). The division will also sponsor a multisession workshop, “711–2011 Commemoration of the 1,300th Anniversary of Islam in the Iberian World.” Part 1 presents “Encounters and Transmissions between Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Medieval Iberia” (228) and Part 2 addresses “Dislocations between Muslims and Christians in the Early Modern Iberian World” (263).

The AHA Committee on Minority Historians (CMH) will cosponsor the sessions “Rites and Rights of Passage: Enslaved Girls and Women in the United States South and Barbados” (117), “John Hope Franklin: Life and Legacy” (229), and “Remapping the Historical Terrain: Approaches to the Research and Writing of History” (264).

The CMH invites minority graduate students and first-year faculty to acomplimentary continental breakfast on Friday, January 7, from 7:30 to 9:00 a.m. If interested in attending, e-mail Noralee Frankel by December 17, 2010. The CMH also invites minority scholars, graduate students, and others attending the annual meeting to a reception on Saturday, January 8, beginning at 6:00 p.m.

The AHA Committee on Women Historians (CWH) will sponsor a two-part multisession workshop on “Subalternity and Difference: Investigations from India and the United States” (40 and 78) and the sessions “The Challenges and Opportunities of Teaching Women’s History” (154) and “Generations: The Past, Present, and Future of Histories of Women and Gender” (192).

The committee also invites attendance to itsannual breakfast on Saturday morning, January 8. Margaret A. Strobel (Univ. of Illinois at Chicago) will preside and Janet Afary (Univ. of California at Santa Barbara) will speak. Preregistration for the continental breakfast is required. Tickets ($36) are available for advance purchase through the preregistration process, via printed form or online, until December 22, 2010. Each attendee’s prepaid ticket will be printed and distributed with the meeting badge, available for pick up in the Hynes Convention Center’s Cafeteria Room. For the 2011 meeting, there will be no meal ticket cashier counter nor will there be onsite sales of CWH breakfast tickets.

The AHA Graduate and Early Career Committee is sponsoring four sessions and a workshop: “Careers in History: The Variety of the Profession” (3, with the AHA Professional Division), “Interviewing in the Job Market in the Twenty-First Century” (37, with the AHA Professional Division and the Coordinating Council for Women in History), “Strategies for Effectively Mentoring Students at All Levels” (41), “Getting a Job at a Community College” (42, with the AHA Two-Year Faculty Task Force), and the teaching workshop “Recognizing Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching” (with the AHA Teaching Division and the National History Center).

On Friday, January 7, beginning at 5:30 p.m., the committee will sponsor an open forum to discuss issues of interest to graduate students and early career professionals. Immediately following the forum, a reception begins at 6:30 p.m. See pages 9 and 10 of theProgram for additional sessions and events of special interest to graduate students and early career professionals.

The Task Force on Disability will sponsor an open forum on Friday, January 7, beginning at 4:45 p.m. The task force, which began its three-year term in June 2008, is gathering information for its upcoming report. Historians with disabilities, department chairs, directors of graduate studies, members of search committees, graduate students, and anyone interested in fair and open access to the profession is invited to attend to discuss professional issues relating to disability. The open forum will be followed by a tribute to the life and work of Paul K. Longmore (director of the Institute on Disability and professor of history at San Francisco State Univ.), who died August 9, 2010. Longmore represented the Disability History Association, an AHA affiliated society, on the task force.

The AHA Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Historians Task Force will sponsor an open forum (190) on Saturday, January 8, in the afternoon time period. Task force chair Leisa D. Meyer (Coll. of William and Mary) and members Jennifer Brier (Univ. of Illinois at Chicago), Marc Stein (York Univ.), and Susan Stryker (Indiana Univ.) will lead a discussion on LGBTQ issues and concerns.

The AHA Two-Year College Faculty Task Force will sponsor the sessions “Getting a Job at a Community College” (42, with the AHA Graduate and Early Career Committee) and “Teaching the Survey” (79, with the AHA Teaching Division). History faculty from two-year colleges are invited to a reception on Friday, January 7, beginning at 5:30 p.m. An open forum starting at 5:45 p.m. will be devoted to sharing ideas about how the AHA can better serve two-year faculty.

is the convention director for the AHA.

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