Editor’s Note: The purpose of this column, which is published in Perspectives on History as space permits, is to recognize and honor the accomplishments of AHA members. Submissions are welcome; entries will be published in alphabetical order. To submit an entry, write to David Darlington, Associate Editor, AHA, 400 A St., SE, Washington, DC 20003-3889.
Andrew J. Bacevich (Boston Univ.) has published Washington Rules: America’s Path to Permanent War with Metropolitan Books in August 2010.
Nancy C. Carnevale (Montclair State Univ.) is the recipient of a 2010 American Book Award from the Before Columbus Foundation for A New Language, A New World: Italian Immigrants in the United States, 1890–1945 (University of Illinois Press 2009).
Francis M. Carroll has been appointed to the position of the Burns Library Visiting Scholar in Irish Studies at Boston College for the autumn term 2010. The chair is intended for specialists in Irish culture and intellectual life. Professor Carroll is a fellow of St. John’s College and taught history at the University of Manitoba.
Annette Gordon-Reed was named one of 23 new MacArthur Fellows for 2010 by The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation on September 28, 2010. She also won the Pulitzer Prize and received a Guggenheim fellowship in 2009. Gordon-Reed has authored definitive works on the relationship between President Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings. She is on the faculty of Harvard Law School, with joint appointments as professor of history in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and Carol K. Pforzheimer Professor at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. MacArthur Fellows are selected for their creativity, originality, and potential to make important contributions in the future. The recipients each receive $500,000 in “no strings attached” support over the next five years. MacArthur Fellowships come without stipulations and reporting requirements and offer fellows unprecedented freedom and opportunity to reflect, create, and explore.
Bert Hansen (Baruch Coll., CUNY) was honored with the 2010 Ray and Pat Browne Award of the Popular Culture/American Culture Association for the best single-authored work published in 2009 at its annual meeting in St. Louis for his book,Picturing Medical Progress from Pasteur to Polio: A History of Mass Media Images and Popular Attitudes in America (Rutgers University Press).Ray B. Browne was a founder of the academic study of popular culture in the United States, a distinguished professor emeritus at Bowling Green State University, and the founding editor of the Journal of Popular Culture and the Journal of American Culture. Pat Browne was a principal organizer of the meetings of the Popular Culture Association and American Culture Association and of international popular culture conferences from the 1970s until her retirement in 2002. The annual conferences draw about 2,000 participants, and the partnered organizations have seven regional affiliates.
David Lowenthal (Univ. Coll., London) has been awarded the biennial Forbes Prize ‘for conspicuous services to conservation’ by the International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, its highest honor. The first historian to receive this prize, he gave the prize lecture at the IIC Congress in Istanbul in September. The Forbes Prize Lecture was established in memory of Edward Waldo Forbes, director of Harvard’s Fogg Art Museum from 1909 to 1944.
Martin V. Melosi, distinguished university professor and director of the Center for Public History at the University of Houston, has been named the Hugh Roy and Lillie Cranz Cullen University Professor.
Caitlin E. Murdock (California State Univ., Long Beach) has written Changing Places: Society, Culture, and Territory in the Saxon-Bohemian Borderlands, 1870–1946 (Univ. of Michigan Press).
Barbara Naddeo, a professor in the Department of History at CUNY was one of this year’s Rome Prize winners in Renaissance and Early Modern Studies, awarded by the American Academy in Rome.
Charles O’Brien (Western Illinois Univ.,emeritus) recently published False Patriots (Severn), the ninth volume in his historical mystery series on the French Revolution. Subtexts include the civil constitution of the clergy and the flight of the royal family from Paris.
Joseph F. Patrouch, associate professor in the Department of History at Florida International University, published a monograph titled Queen’s Apprentice: Archduchess Elizabeth, Empress Maria, the Habsburgs, and the Holy Roman Empire, 1554–69 (Brill).
Zachary M. Schrag (George Mason Univ.), a life member of the AHA, published Ethical Imperialism: Institutional Review Boards and the Social Sciences, 1965–2009 (Johns Hopkins Univ. Press).
John Tolan (Univ. de Nantes) has been awarded a major grant from the European Research Council for a five-year research project entitled RELMIN: The legal status of religious minorities in the Euro-Mediterranean world (5th–15th centuries). See www.relmin.eu.