The Quick Rise of The Slow Professor
As summer approaches, so do social media updates about not accomplishing enough work before the end of the term. Conversations…
Historian, Program! Self-Help for Digital Neophytes
Harvard University Library now lists, among proprietary databases and other e-resources to which the university subscribes, a website called The…
Advocacy Briefs: AHA Speaks Out against Proposed Budget Cuts, Executive Order Restricting Entry
Historical research and discourse are vital to a vibrant civic culture, and the American Historical Association continues to speak out…
Townhouse Notes May 2017
Professional envy—wanting what another person has—pervades our community, silently. Although several academic blog posts and online magazine articles about envy…
Ernst A. Breisach (1923-2016)
Scholar of historiography Ernst A. Breisach, professor of history and department chair at Western Michigan University (WMU) from 1967 to…
Marilyn B. Young (1937-2017)
Historian of the United States and Warfare Marilyn B. Young, professor of history at New York University, passed away peacefully…
On the February 2017 Perspectives Cover
To the editor: I am amazed at the editorial staff’s ability to discern the ethnicities, sexual orientations, and backgrounds (region,…
On History Enrollments
To the editor: The AHA and Perspectives constantly cover the fact that there is a decline in history majors and…
AHA Member Spotlight: Edward Carson
Website: Edward Carson is a high school history teacher at the Brooks School. He lives in North Andover,…
“Wait . . . What?”
“Wait, what just happened?” exclaimed one of my students. Last year, my US history class and I spent a day…
History in Harmony
Whether critics are interested in painting, sculpture, jazz, fiction, or any other art, they are, or at least can be,…
AHA Message on the New Presidential Budget Request
What follows is a mildly revised version of a memo prepared by the National Humanities Alliance relating to the budget proposal…
AHA Member Spotlight: Usha Sanyal
Usha Sanyal is an independent scholar and adjunct instructor at Queens University of Charlotte. She lives in Charlotte, North Carolina,…
Tracing Terminology
“Cisgender (adj.): Designating a person whose sense of personal identity and gender corresponds to his or her sex at birth;…
Representing the Work of Historians
How does one visualize the work of historians? Or represent a century-old organization with a forward-looking mission? What icons can…
AHA Member Spotlight: Sarah Walsh
Sarah Walsh is a postdoctoral research associate at the University of Sydney. She lives in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia,…
Mexican Migration History in the Era of Border Walls
In March 2015, I submitted the final page proofs for my book on Mexican migration to the United States. In…
Yale History’s Major Comeback
Over the past year, the nationwide decline of history majors and enrollments has become one of the AHA’s foremost concerns.…
AHA Member Spotlight: Shirley Ann Wilson Moore
Shirley Ann Wilson Moore is a professor of history (emerita) at California State University, Sacramento. She lives in Sacramento, California,…
Teaching, Learning, and Access: Introducing the May Issue of Perspectives
Looking back over the past academic year, the aspirations and concerns of AHA members about undergraduate history education have been…
AHA Announces 2017 Career Diversity for Historians Faculty Institute Participants
The AHA is pleased to announce the participants of our 2017–18 Career Diversity for Historians Faculty Institutes. One of the…
AHA Member Spotlight: Marisa Richmond
Marisa Richmond is an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of History and Women’s and Gender Studies Program at Middle…
Open-Access Publishing: What Authors Should Know
The March 2017 issue of Perspectives on History featured a piece by Seth Denbo, the AHA’s director of scholarly communication…