Masters and the Movies, Take 9
Under the rubric “Masters at the Movies,” this column features a variety of articles about film crafted by some of…
The Women, Then and Now: Remaking a Film and Recasting Roles
The Women, Clare Booth Luce’s 1936 Broadway play and 1939 hit movie, is like a glorious, screwball, cinematic female vampire.…
Grasping the Gavel
I muffed my first official act as president of the AHA. When outgoing president Gabrielle Spiegel handed me the gavel…
There’s a New Sheriff in Town
On January 21, 2009, stating, “My Administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in government,” President Barack…
News Briefs, March 2009
On January 19, 2009, Federal District Court Judge Colleen Kollar Kotelly accepted Vice President Cheney’s claim that he was complying…
123 in 125: A Brief History of AHA Annual Meetings
Editor’s Note: This article is part of the “Timelines” series exploring events and items from the AHA’s history in celebration…
Advising Undergraduates about Career Opportunities in Public History
What do graduates in history do upon graduation? We know very few earn a PhD and even fewer end up…
Forum on Assessment: Introduction
This forum on assessment, with essays by Norman L. Jones, James I. Matray, and Robert Griffith, developed from a vigorous…
Resistance is Futile: One Approach to Program Assessment in History
Assessment has been a central preoccupation of the administration at California State University at Chico since the academic year 2004–05.…
Assessing History: Can We Know Our “Outcomes”?
The first time I ran into the idea that history degrees should have assessable outcomes was in 1996. A new…
Assessment at American University
For more than a decade political leaders in both parties (and at both the state and national levels) have been…
Historians Film Committee at the AHA Meeting
The Historians Film Committee, with the Center for the Study of Film and History, recently presented a panel, entitled “Why…
Members, March 2009
Editor’s Note: The purpose of this column, which is published in Perspectives on History as space permits, is to recognize…
Nikolai N. Bolkhovitinov (1930-2008)
2005 Honorary Foreign Member; “The best Russian friend of American historians” On October 1, 2008, the scholar known among his…
Joseph Howard Lynch (1943-2008)
Scholar of Medieval Europe Joseph Howard Lynch of Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, died on December 27, 2008. Joe…
Eugene J. Watts (1942-2008)
U.S. history professor and state senator Ohio State University Associate Professor Emeritus Eugene J. Watts passed away on November 11,…
African History Book Prize
In 2006 the American Historical Association authorized the establishment of an African History Book Prize to be awarded annually to…
Vaulted Treasures: Digitized Medical Books from UVA
“Inside a climate-controlled vault at the University of Virginia Claude Moore Health Sciences Library are treasures. Not gold or silver…
John Hope Franklin, Scholar and Mirror to America, Dead at the Age of 94
John Hope Franklin, the eminent historian of African American history, civil rights activist, and teacher died yesterday of congestive heart…
Signatures Needed for House NEH Dear Colleague Letter
Our friends at the National Humanities Alliance report that the co-chairs of the Congressional Humanities Caucus, Rep. David Price (D-NC)…
Image Resource Roundup
Using images in the classroom can more fully engage and excite students, making history come alive. AHA Today has posted…
Jobs and Careers in History: Interview with Emily Weisner
Emily Weisner, a National Park Service Ranger at the Arlington House, The Robert E. Lee Memorial, is proving to all…
Women’s History Month
Beginning with International Women’s Day in 1911, progressing to Women’s History Week in 1981, and expanding to an entire month…
Celebrating 157 Years of Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Uncle Tom’s Cabin began as a series in a Washington, D.C. anti-slavery weekly called National Era in June of 1851. …
Integrating Global Perspectives and World History into Teaching American History Grant Projects
This post is the sixth and final in a series of posts on sessions presented at the 123rd Annual Meeting.…
Perspectives on History – March 2009 Online
The March issue of Perspectives on History, now available online, begins with AHA president Laurel Thatcher Ulrich’s column on the…
The History Job Market: Opportunities, Problems, and Fixes
This post is the fifth in a series of posts on sessions presented at the 123rd Annual Meeting. See also…
Members, What Are You Up To?
The Members column, which is published in Perspectives on History as space permits, is designed to recognize and honor the…
Working Group for Historical Perspectives on Same-Sex Marriage Established for San Diego Annual Meeting
To implement a resolution passed at the 2009 annual meeting, the AHA Council has formed a working group to create…
Jobs and Careers in History: Matt Wasniewski Interview – Part 2
In part two of this interview, Matt Wasniewski, historian in the U.S. House of Representatives, discusses his thoughts on the…
February 2009 – American Historical Review Online
The February issue of the American Historical Review is now available online. The issue contains the 2008 Presidential Address, an…