Laurel Thatcher Ulrich (Harvard Univ.), president; Barbara Metcalf (Univ. of Michigan) president-elect; Gabrielle M. Spiegel (Johns Hopkins Univ.), past president; Karen Halttunen (Univ. of Southern California), vice president, Teaching Division; David Weber (Southern Methodist Univ.),vice president, Professional Division; Iris Berger (Univ. at Albany, SUNY), vice president, Research Division; Prasenjit Duara (Natl. Univ. of Singapore); Jesus Francisco Malaret (Sacramento City Coll.); Sarah C. Maza (Northwestern Univ.); Trudy H. Peterson (consulting archivist); John K. Thornton (Boston Univ.); Barbara L. Tischler (Horace Mann School); Larry Wolff (NYU); Elise S. Lipkowitz (Northwestern Univ.), ex officio
Professional Division
David Weber, vice president; Kristin L. Ahlberg (U.S. Dept. of State); Leisa D. Meyer (Coll. of William and Mary); Trudy H. Peterson; Sarah C. Maza
Research Division
Iris Berger, vice president; Mary Elizabeth Berry (Univ. of California at Berkeley); Clayborne Carson (Stanford Univ.); John K. Thornton, Larry Wolff; Robert Schneider, AHR, ex officio
Teaching Division
Karen Halttunen, vice president; Patricia O’Neill (Central Oregon Community Coll.); Timothy N. Thurber (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.); Jesus Francisco Malaret; Barbara L. Tischler
Nominating Committee
Laura Ackerman Smoller,chair (Univ. of Arkansas at Little Rock); Lisa Forman Cody, 2010 chair (Claremont McKenna Coll.); Carol Anderson (Emory Univ.); Marshall C. Eakin (Vanderbilt Univ.); Poshek Fu (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Susan R. Grayzel (Univ. of Mississippi); David Gutiérrez (Univ. of California at San Diego); Steven H. Mintz (Univ. of Houston); David S. Newbury (Smith Coll.)
Committee on Committees
Barbara Metcalf,chair; Christopher Leslie Brown (Columbia Univ.); R. Stephen Humphreys (Univ. of California at Santa Barbara); Lloyd S. Kramer (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill); Kriste Lindenmeyer (Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County)
Standing Committees
Committee on Affiliated Societies: Barbara Metcalf, chair; Prasenjit Duara; David Christian (San Diego State Univ.); Laura Kalman (Univ. of California at Santa Barbara)
Committee on the Harold Vyvyan Harmsworth Professorship in American History: Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, president; Barbara Metcalf, president-elect; Kathryn Kish Sklar (Binghamton Univ., SUNY)
Committee on International Historical Activities: Eric J. Van Young (Univ. of California at San Diego),chair; Leon Fink (Univ. of Illinois at Chicago); Emily Rosenberg (Univ. of California at Irvine); Dror Wahrman (Indiana Univ.)
Committee on Minority Historians: Tiya A. Miles (Univ. of Michigan), chair; Swapna Banerjee (Brooklyn Coll., CUNY); Douglas Kiel (Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison); Ana Rosas (Univ. of California at Irvine); Martin Summers (Boston Coll.)
Committee on Women Historians: Margaret Strobel (Univ. of Chicago), chair; Leslie Alexander (Ohio State Univ.); Katherine Hijar (California State Univ. at San Marcos); Ruby Lal (Emory Univ.); Leo Spitzer (Columbia Univ.)
Graduate & Early Career Committee: Elise S. Lipkowitz,co-chair; Ryan Linkof,co-chair (Univ. of Southern California); Katherine Hijar, CWH representative; Douglas Kiel, CMH representative; Aaron Marrs (U.S. Dept. of State); Aleah Soine (Univ. of Minnesota)
Award Committees
Committee on the Herbert Baxter Adams Prize: H. Glenn Penny (Univ. of Iowa), chair; George Behlmer (Univ. of Washington); Laura L. Frader (Northeastern Univ.); Carole B. Levin (Univ. of Nebraska at Lincoln); Hugh Thomas (Univ. of Miami)
Committee on the George Louis Beer Prize: Konrad H. Jarausch (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), chair; Susan Brewer (Univ. of Wisconsin at Stevens Point); Peter Fritzche (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Mary Ellen Lewis (Harvard Univ.); Marla Stone (Occidental Coll.)
Committee on the Albert J. Beveridge Award: Ann Marie Plane (Univ. of California at Santa Barbara), chair; Eileen Findlay (American Univ.); Claire Potter (Wesleyan Univ.); Manisha Sinha (Univ. of Massachusetts at Amherst); Julian Zelizer (Princeton Univ.)
Committee on the Paul Birdsall Prize: David N. Gibbs (Univ. of Arizona), chair; Nicholas Sarantakes (U.S. Army Command & General Staff Coll.); Heather E. Streets (Washington State Univ.)
Committee on the James Henry Breasted Prize: Valerie French (American Univ.), chair; Bonnie Effros (Univ. of Florida); Patrick Geary (Univ. of California at Los Angeles)
Committee on the John H. Dunning Prize: Thomas Dublin (Binghamton Univ., SUNY),chair; Ann Braude (Harvard Divinity School); J. William Harris (Univ. of New Hampshire); Matthew Pinsker (Dickinson Coll.); Louis Warren (Univ. of California at Davis)
Committee on the John Edwin Fagg Prize: Jorge Canizares-Esguerra (Univ. of Texas at Austin), chair; Dain E. Borges (Univ. of Chicago); Robert Whealey (Ohio Univ.)
Committee on the John K. Fairbank Prize in East Asian History: Mark Bradley (Univ. of Chicago),chair; Carol Ann Benedict (Georgetown Univ.); Karl Gerth (Merton Coll., Oxford Univ.); Thomas Havens (Northeastern Univ.); Wesley Sasaki-Uemura (Univ. of Utah)
Committee on the Morris D. Forkosch Prize: Jordana Bailkin (Univ. of Washington),chair; Eric Carlson (Gustavus Adolphus Coll.); Cynthia Herrup (Univ. of Southern California); Ian Christopher Fletcher (Georgia State Univ.); Richard Price (Univ. of Maryland College Park)
Committee on the Leo Gershoy Award: Susan Peabody (Washington State Univ.), chair; Paul Friedland (Bowdoin Coll.); Linda Pollock (Tulane Univ.); Benjamin Schmidt (Univ. of Washington); Ulrike Strasser (Univ. of California at Irvine)
Committee on the J. Franklin Jameson Award in Editorial Achievement: Mark Lawrence (Univ. of Texas at Austin), chair; Candace Falk (Univ. of California at Berkeley); Mary E. Fissell (Johns Hopkins Univ.); June Namias (Univ. of Alaska Anchorage); Thomas P. Slaughter (Univ. of Rochester)
Committee on the Joan Kelly Memorial Prize in Women’s History: Sandy Bardsley (Moravian Coll.), chair; Kirsten Childers (Univ. of Pennsylvania); Ellen DuBois (UCLA); Karin Rosemblatt (Univ. of Maryland College Park); Rosemarie Zagarri (George Mason Univ.)
Committee on the Littleton-Griswold Prize: Hendrik Hartog (Princeton Univ.), chair; Sally Hadden (Western Michigan Univ.); Daniel W. Hamilton (Univ. of Illinois); Karl Jacoby (Brown Univ.); Thomas Mackey (Univ. of Louisville)
Committee on the J. Russell Major Prize: Daniel Lord Smail (Harvard Univ.), chair; Kenneth Moure (Univ. of California at Santa Barbara); Victoria E. Thompson (Arizona State Univ.)
Committee on the Helen and Howard R. Marraro Prize: ACHA Representative: Nicholas Terpstra (Univ. of Toronto); AHA Representative: Sharon Strocchia (Emory Univ.); SIHS Representative: Stanislao G. Pugliese (Hofstra Univ.)
Committee on the George L. Mosse Prize: Mary Louise Roberts (Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison), chair; Jan Goldstein (Univ. of Chicago); Pieter Judson (Swarthmore Coll.)
Committee on the James Rawley Prize in Atlantic History: Larry Hudson (Univ. of Rochester), chair; Mia Bay (Rutgers Univ. at New Brunswick); Carole Shammas (Univ. of Southern California)
Committee on the Premio del Rey: Richard L. Kagan (Johns Hopkins Univ.), chair; Brian Catlos (Univ. of California at Santa Cruz); Lu Ann Homza (Coll. of William and Mary); Mark Meyerson (Univ. of Toronto); David Nirenberg (Univ. of Chicago)
Committee on the James Harvey Robinson Prize: Geraldine H. Forbes (SUNY-Oswego), chair; David R. Kobrin (Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, emeritus); David Pace (Indiana Univ.); Holly Shulman (Univ. of Virginia); Julie Winch (Univ. of Massachusetts Boston)
Committee on the Wesley-Logan Prize:AHA Representatives: Stephanie Shaw (Ohio State Univ.), chair; Tiffany R. Patterson (Vanderbilt Univ.); James H. Sweet (Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison); ASALH Representatives: Lillie Edwards (Drew Univ.); Daryl Scott (Howard Univ.)
Committee on the Herbert Feis Award: Cathy Gorn (Univ. of Maryland), chair; Robert P. Forbes (Univ. of Connecticut at Torrington); John Fox (Roosevelt-Vanderbilt National Historic Sites); Douglas Greenberg (Rutgers Univ.); Susan Strasser (Univ. of Delaware)
Committee on the John O’Connor Film Award: Saverio Giovacchini (Univ. of Maryland at College Park),chair; Suzanne Langlois (Glendon Coll., York Univ.); David Nasaw (Graduate Center, CUNY)
Committee on the Nancy Roelker Mentorship Award: Mary T. Furgol (Montgomery Coll.),chair; Robert Coven (Cary Academy); Caroline Cox (Univ. of the Pacific); Douglas Egerton (Le Moyne Coll.); Deborah Gray-White (Rutgers Univ. at New Brunswick)
Committee on Teaching Prizes: Kenneth L. Pearl (Queensborough Community Coll., CUNY), chair; Lauren Jared (Cate School); Troy Johnson (California State Univ. at Long Beach); Linda Levstik (Univ. of Kentucky); Terry Seip (Univ. of Southern California)
Grant and Fellowship Committees
Committee on the J. Franklin Jameson Fellowship: Karen Sotiropoulos (Cleveland State Univ.), chair; Mark R. Cheathem (Cumberland Univ.); Jean Christophe-Agnew (Yale Univ.); Robert S. Gregg (Richard Stockton Coll.); Laura Lovett (Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst)
Committee on the NASA Fellowship: AHA Representatives: Mark F. Thomas (Univ. of Virginia),chair; Margaret A. Weitekamp (Smithsonian Institution); EHA Representative: Paul W. Rhode (Univ. of Arizona); HSS Representative: Robert Smith (National Air and Space Museum); OAH Representative: Cheryl R. Ganz (Smithsonian Institution);NCPH Representative: Patrick Moore (Univ. of Western Florida)
Committee on Research Grants (Africa, Asia, and Europe): Pier M. Larson (Johns Hopkins Univ.), chair; Durba Ghosh (Cornell Univ.); David Prochaska (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Committee on Research Grants (U.S./Western Hemisphere): W. Jeffrey Bolster (Univ. of New Hampshire), chair; Thomas J. Davis (Arizona State Univ.); John E. Kicza (Washington State Univ.)
Ad Hoc and Joint Committees
Program Committee, 2010: Jane Kamensky (Brandeis Univ.), chair; Matt K. Matsuda (Rutgers Univ. at New Brunswick) co-chair; David Garrett (Reed Coll.); Emma Hipolito (Univ. of California at Los Angeles); Kristin Hoganson (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Dorothy Ko (Barnard Coll., Columbia Univ.); Robert C. Ritchie (The Huntington Library); Robert Rosenstone (California Institute of Technology); Damon Salesa (Univ. of Michigan); Sudipta Sen (Univ. of California at Davis); Denise Spellberg (Univ. of Texas at Austin); Lynn Thomas (Univ. of Washington); Michael Fisher (Oberlin Coll.),2011 chair; Barbara Rosenwein (Loyola Univ. Chicago) 2011 co-chair; Shane Landrum (Brandeis Univ.), graduate student assistant
Task Force on Intellectual Property: Stanley Katz (Princeton Univ.), chair; Michael Les Benedict (Ohio State Univ.); Fred Cate (Indiana Univ.); James Grossman (Newberry Library); Mark Kornbluh (Michigan State Univ.); Page Putnam Miller (Univ. of South Carolina); Robert Schneider (Indiana Univ.)
Task Force on Disability: David Weber, chair; David J. Ulbrich (Ohio Univ.)DHA Representatives: Paul Longmore (San Francisco State Univ.); Sandra Sufian (Univ. of Illinois at Chicago)
Task Force on Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and Queer Historians: David Weber,chair; Leisa Meyer, co-chair; other members to be announced.
American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies: Diane P. Koenker (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
American Council of Learned Societies: Nancy F. Cott (Harvard Univ.)
Consortium of Social Science Associations: Dorothy Ross (Johns Hopkins Univ.)
Friends of the German Institute: Peter Jelavich (Johns Hopkins Univ.); Lee Palmer Wandel (Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison)
Holmes Devise: To be announced
Historical Publications and Records Commission: Stanley Katz (Princeton Univ.)
AHA Executive Director Arnita A. Jones is an ex officio member of the Council, the three divisions, the Committee on Committees, and all standing and ad hoc committees.
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