Taking its cue from the Twitter hashtag #ILookLikeAProfessor, trending in summer 2015, our February cover celebrates the many looks of historians of 2016. With the kind endorsement of hashtag originator Sara Pritchard, as well as Rusul Alrubail, Adeline Koh, and Michelle Moravec (who gave it significant boosts), we present our take on the idea. So treat yourself to Vanessa Holden’s fashion roundup, and see you next year in Denver. Photographs by Marc Monaghan.


Allison Miller, editor
Stephanie Kingsley, associate editor, web content and social media
Kritika Agarwal, associate editor, publications
Sadie Bergen, editorial assistant
Liz Townsend, coordinator, data administration and integrity

Other Articles

The AHA Townhouse

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From the Editor

Townhouse Notes, February 2016

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From the President

A Strong and Diverse Historical Profession, a Strong AHA

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In Memoriam

Richard Greening Hewlett, 1923–2015

February 1, 2016

In Memoriam

David Higgs, 1939–2014

February 1, 2016

In Memoriam

Ethan Schmidt, 1975–2015
Pen with paper and envelopes

February 1, 2016

Letters to the Editor

On Context and Dual Enrollment

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Member Spotlight, Perspectives Daily

AHA Member Spotlight: Edwin J. Perkins

February 18, 2016

Member Spotlight, Perspectives Daily

AHA Member Spotlight: Mark Dickens

February 11, 2016

AHA Activities, Perspectives Daily

Postcards from Atlanta: Announcing the February Issue of Perspectives on History

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Futures of History

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Member Spotlight, Perspectives Daily

AHA Member Spotlight: Christine Adrian

February 4, 2016

AHA Activities, From the Teaching Division

Dual Enrollment/Concurrent Enrollment

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Perspectives Daily

Congressional Partisanship in Historical Perspective


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Scholars on the Edge

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Responding to Resistance