Essentialism in Context

Is there anything left to be said about essentialism in the history of medicine and science? After all, the belief thathuman beings possess innate qualities according to their race, gender, or other characteristics has done incalculable harm in the modern age. But essentialism in medicine and science has a history, argues Lisa Forman Cody-one that we shouldn't ignore in our teaching, even as we continue to help our students analyze the construction of race and gender. Anatomy chart from Charles Mills and A.H.P. Leuf, Our Bodies (1887). Courtesy of the Claude Moore Health Sciences Library, Historical Collections and Services, University of Virginia.


Allison Miller, editor
Stephanie Kingsley, associate editor, web content and social media
Sadie Bergen, editorial assistant
Liz Townsend, coordinator, professional data and job center

Other Articles

The AHA Townhouse

December 1, 2015

From the Editor

Townhouse Notes, December 2015
Pencils on yellow background

December 1, 2015

From the President

The Past Is Ever Present
Light pink circles across pink and blue background

December 1, 2015

In Memoriam

Lois Green Carr (1922-2015)
Light pink circles across pink and blue background

December 1, 2015

In Memoriam

Julian DelGaudio (1950–2015)
Light pink circles across pink and blue background

December 1, 2015

In Memoriam

Father Francis Paul Prucha, SJ (1921–2015)
Pen with paper and envelopes

December 1, 2015

Letters to the Editor

On the Dual Enrollment Forum
Pen with paper and envelopes

December 1, 2015

Letters to the Editor

On “Standing with Historians of Japan”
Pen with paper and envelopes

December 1, 2015

Letters to the Editor

Response to Naoko Kumagai (Sept. 2015)
Spotlight on a dark background

December 30, 2015

Member Spotlight, Perspectives Daily

AHA Member Spotlight: Roger M. Dahl
Coca-Cola bottling plant in Bonn, Germany (1953). Wikimedia Commons.

December 29, 2015

Perspectives Daily

Spotlight on a dark background

December 24, 2015

Member Spotlight, Perspectives Daily

AHA Member Spotlight: Kirt von Daacke
AHA 2020 - New York, NY - January 4, 2020

December 24, 2015

AHA Annual Meeting, Perspectives Daily

Stop by Digital Alley at #AHA16
During World War II and the Cold War, military publications emphasized servicewomen in gender-appropriate jobs and attire, seemingly far away from combat. Wikimedia Commons.

December 22, 2015

Perspectives Daily

Redefining Women’s Place in National Defense
Spotlight on a dark background

December 18, 2015

Member Spotlight, Perspectives Daily

AHA Member Spotlight: Susan Matt
AHA 2020 - New York, NY - January 4, 2020

December 17, 2015

AHA Annual Meeting, Perspectives Daily

Voting Now Open for 2016 Name That Cocktail!
AHA 2020 - New York, NY - January 4, 2020

December 15, 2015

AHA Annual Meeting

“Global” and Entangled Histories of Early Modernity
AHA 2020 - New York, NY - January 4, 2020

December 14, 2015

AHA Annual Meeting, Perspectives Daily

Last Chance to Preregister for the 2016 AHA Annual Meeting
Spotlight on a dark background

December 10, 2015

Member Spotlight, Perspectives Daily

AHA Member Spotlight: Margaret (Peggy) Bendroth
A very long line of yellow lines at different brightnesses on a black background

December 9, 2015

AHA Activities

Moving Forward with the Introductory History Course
The first page of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

December 8, 2015

AHA Activities, Perspectives Daily

The Legacy of the Voting Rights Act
Spotlight on a dark background

December 4, 2015

Member Spotlight, Perspectives Daily

AHA Member Spotlight: Melanie Arias

December 3, 2015

AHA Annual Meeting, Perspectives Daily

Name that Cocktail 2016!
1215 'Current Issue' page

December 2, 2015

AHA Activities, Perspectives Daily

Engage! Introducing the December Issue of Perspectives on History
Pencils on yellow background

December 1, 2015

From the Executive Director, From the President, Perspectives Daily

Action Needed for K-12 Education Funding