What Makes a Successful Academic Career in History? A Field Report from the Higher Ranks
The career paths of faculty into the upper ranks of the profession have changed over the past 50 years, as…
2012 AHA Election Results
Page Herrlinger (Bowdoin College), chair of the Nominating Committee, announced the following results of the November 2012 balloting for officers and committee members of the American Historical Association.
New Benefits for AHA Members: Members Can Access the OED and Versatile PhD
Have you ever wondered, as you worked with intense focus on an essay, how nice it would be if you…
A Perspective on Perspectives
That first issue of the "AHA Newsletter," of December 1962, was a humble little thing, looking more like an American…
Memories of Development: Fifty Years with the AHA
When I became a member in the fall of 1962, the AHA was a very different organization. I had just…
A Half Century with the AHA
I wish I could say I joined the AHA in utero, but that would not be quite true. My father,…
And Gladly Teach
"So…what are you working on now?" Few questions are asked among academic historians more frequently than this one. Whether in…
Tipping Points in Teaching: A Call for Collaboration
Fellow AHA Members, I am asking for your company in my classroom. I am, more or less, asking to team-teach…
The Future of the Profession
History is practiced in many settings, but the historical profession retains a special relationship to higher education. Colleges and universities…
Time to Retire?
"I'm going to retire," I told a colleague. He was outraged. "What an ugly term," he said. "We need to…
Human Agency in the Anthropocene
The drought that affected Australia in the first decade of this century got me interested in questions of climate change.…
African History/Global History
Where is the field of African history going these days? Every which way, it would seem. And that is rather…
The Future of Local Historical Societies
Not all cutting-edge historical research is presented in monographs and history learning does not only take place in the classroom.…
Diplomatic History’s Ill-Deserved Reputation and Bright Future
If you consider diplomatic history a dusty methodological backwater populated by intellectual troglodytes yearning for a bygone age, I've got…
The Futures of Native American History in the United States
The history of Native Americans began when first peoples appeared in the Western Hemisphere and started to pass on stories…
Academic Journals in the Digital Era: An Editor’s Reflections
What is the role and place of academic journals in an environment undergoing massive and rapid change? Social networking, nontraditional…
The Appeal of Transnational History
My first flirtation with transnational history was as a graduate student, when I began a project involving Brazilians in Nigeria.…
Learning from Latin America
Over the last few decades, history in North American universities has fragmented into an ever-increasing range of specializations. As researchers…
Promises and Perils of Transnational History
When I was in graduate school in the early 1990s I attended a conference on my campus. The auditorium was…
Historians in Wikipedia: Building an Open, Collaborative History
What will the historian's craft look like in the age of social media, crowdsourcing, and Wikipedia? It is a question…
Wishful Thinking
When asked to speculate about the future, historians typically decline, noting that our expertise rests with the past. This is,…
Beyond the Longue Duree: Human History in Deep Time
If we want to talk about the future of history, we need to ask why we do it in the…
Culture and Economic Development: Today, Yesterday, Tomorrow
During his August 2012 campaign trip to Israel, then presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney suggested that the income disparity…
Teaching History in the 21st-Century Community College
Virtually every one of the 2.4 million students who attend one of California's 112 community colleges takes at least one…
History: Past, Present, and Future: A Conversation between Lynn Hunt and Jacques Revel
Editor’s Note: The following is an edited (and expanded) version of the transcript of a conversation between historians . Their…
Washington History Seminar Turns Three
The National History Center and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars will celebrate the third birthday of their collaborative…
Search Committees: Help Your Candidates
Imagine you are a job candidate, currently researching overseas. You count yourself fortunate to have a prearranged interview scheduled during…
Trending on AHA’s Social Media
The AHA's social media spaces (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn) feature the latest news in the history profession. In an effort…
Tragedy, Memory, History
Editor's Note: Perspectives on History welcomes letters to the editor on issues discussed in its pages or which are relevant…
Remembering Veterans
Editor's Note: Perspectives on History welcomes letters to the editor on issues discussed in its pages or which are relevant…
Stuart Hilwig (1968–2012)
Historian of Modern Italy Stuart Hilwig, professor of history at Adams State University in Alamosa, Colorado, died on October 28,…
Richard W. Lyman (1923–2012)
President of Stanford University, Historian of Modern Britain Richard Wall Lyman was born in Philadelphia on October 18, 1923. He…
Michael Wreszin (1926–2012)
Biographer of the American Left, Committed Activist Michael Wreszin, professor emeritus of history at Queens College, City University of New…
Henry F. May (1915–2012)
Intellectual Historian Conscientious, brooding, resilient, Henry F. May made an indelible impression on the countless students and colleagues whose lives…
Anna K. Nelson (1933–2012)
Historian of Foreign Relations, Advocate for Openness Born in Fort Smith, Arkansas, during the Great Depression, Anna Kasten Nelson was…
Reflections of a Retiring Editor
Endnotes, the rubric under which this essay appears, is a new, occasional column that we launch with this 50th anniversary…
Supplement to the 127th Annual Meeting
Learn about what New Orleans has to offer historians in theSupplement to the 127th Annual Meeting. Articles examine New Orleans…
AHA 2013 Visitors: Tour the Louisiana Historical Center Archives!
The Louisiana Historical Center, located in the French Quarter at the Old U.S. Mint, is one of America’s great archives.…
Free Wi-Fi at the 127th Annual Meeting
Need free Wi-Fi during the meeting? Luckily, there are several options to choose from. In the Hotels The New Orleans…
Everything You Always Wanted to Know about the Annual Meeting, but Were Afraid to Ask
First time at the annual meeting? Not sure what to expect? Wondering how to get the most out of the…
History Jobs Update: December 21, 2012
In an effort to keep our readers informed about the different academic positions trending on the job market, we are…
Reading List: Two New Articles in Perspectives Now Available to All
Today we are pleased to provide free access to two more articles from the December Perspectives on History. AHA members…
Visit the Ogden Museum of Southern Art with Your Colleagues
The Ogden Museum of Southern Art is one of the foremost collections of Southern art in the United States. Mary…
Tell Us How You Teach: Contribute to an AHA Resource for Teachers
The latest issue of Perspectives on History celebrates 50 years of the newsletter with an engaging look forward to the…
The Committee on Women Historians Invites You to a Discussion of Gender Issues in the Historical Profession
Immediately following the women’s breakfast on Saturday, January 5, the Committee on Women Historians invites all interested AHA members to…
AHA Member Spotlight: Jason S. Lantzer
Jason S. Lantzer AHA members are involved in all fields of history, with wide-ranging specializations, interests, and areas of employment.…
Expanding the Career Horizons of History PhDs
The tremendous response to Anthony Grafton and Jim Grossman’s article “No More Plan B” revealed that there is intense interest…
Join the AHA on FourSquare!
If you’re a FourSquare user, be sure to check-in at our 2013 annual meeting in New Orleans. We will be…
Register for the Gilder Lehrman Workshop
The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History is sponsoring an all-day workshop for K-12 teachers at the AHA’s 2013 annual…
Top Ten Job Center Tips for Candidates and Search Committees
The following post can also be found in the annual meeting supplement handed out during the meeting. The Job Center…
A Call for Nominations
The Nominating Committee will meet in February to recommend candidates for a range of AHA leadership positions, but they need…
History Jobs Update: December 14, 2012
In an effort to keep our readers informed about the different academic positions trending on the job market, we are…
Session of the Week: The State of the Field of U.S.-Arab Relations: A Roundtable
In an effort to highlight the diverse range of scholarship at the upcoming annual meeting, we’re highlighting different sessions here…
AHA Annual Meeting Housing Closes Tonight!
Although AHA housing for the 2013 annual meeting closes at midnight, there are still a few rooms available! In addition…
Lincoln Links: Historians Debate the New Film
Image courtesy of Touchstone Pictures / Photofest. In my November 2012 Perspectives on History column, “Lincoln, Hollywood, and an Opportunity…
What’s in the December AHR?
American Historical Review December Issue The December issue of the American Historical Review will soon appear both in members’ mailboxes…
AHA Member Spotlight: Peniel E. Joseph
Peniel E. Joseph AHA members are involved in all fields of history, with wide-ranging specializations, interests, and areas of employment.…
Download the Free Meeting App!
AHA 2013 app homepage The free meeting app for the American Historical Association’s 127th Annual Meeting is now available. Access…
Tips for Presenting a Paper at the Annual Meeting
Presenting a paper at the annual meeting in New Orleans? If you are nervous, don’t fret. As Linda Kerber noted…
Ithaka S+R Reports Changing Research Practices Among Historians
How have digital resources affected the research practices of historians? What research services do historians need but can’t find? Ithaka…
It Is Not Too Late to Sign Up for a Tour at the Annual Meeting
Tickets are still available for several of the AHA tours. If you have already registered for the meeting, you can…
Bring Your Graduate Students to the Women’s Breakfast—Discounted Tickets Available!
For nearly 40 years, the AHA’s Committee on Women Historians (CWH) has sponsored an annual networking breakfast for women historians…
History Jobs Update: December 7, 2012
In an effort to keep our readers informed about the different academic positions trending on the job market, we are…
Join Your Fellow Historians at the 106th Annual Jackson Day Race!
Historians attending the annual meeting are invited to participate in the 106th annual Jackson Day Race on Sunday, January 6,…
AHA Council Endorses Academic Freedom Decision
In response to the Council for Higher Education Accreditation and the American Association of University Professors recommendation urging accreditors “to…
Now Accepting Proposals for the 2014 Annual Meeting
The electronic system for submitting proposals for the 2014 Annual Meeting in Washington, DC is now available online. Submissions must…
AHA Member Spotlight: Alyssa Goldstein Sepinwall
Alyssa Goldstein Sepinwall AHA members are involved in all fields of history, with wide-ranging specializations, interests, and areas of employment.…
Name that Cocktail!
In celebration of the AHA’s return to New Orleans, we are asking historians to help us name a few cocktails…
New Orleans: A Guide to Local Sights and Restaurants
Before moving to Washington, D.C., to join the AHA in August, I had a whirlwind three years in Louisiana, where…
Job Center Handout Now Online
Get an early look into which positions will be interviewing at the 2013 AHA annual meeting in New Orleans in…
The AHA’s Newsmagazine Is Fifty
It may not be the annus mirabilis that Philip Larkin celebrated in his poem, but 1962 was, nevertheless, quite a…
AHA Annual Meeting App
Coming Soon—Our Free Annual Meeting App Access program and exhibitor information on the go Plan your schedule Access useful local…