The International Committee for Historical Sciences (known more commonly by the French acronym, CISH) is going forward rapidly with the organizational work for the 22nd International Congress of Historical Sciences, to be held August 22-28, 2010, in Amsterdam.
In keeping with its customary practice, the CISH Bureau has selected the themes, rubrics, and topics for the various sessions and has also chosen the organizers and discussants for them. The themes selected for the congress include the fall of empires, the cross-cultural history of the book, memory and identity, history of food and clothing, and migrations.
The bureau now invites individual scholars to submit–by February 1, 2009–proposals for individual papers for each type of session. The proposals will be forwarded to the session organizers who will have the final say on which proposals will be selected for presentation at the congress.
Details about the congress, the preregistration process, and the proposal submission system are available online. Intending presenters should click on Register, and follow the instructions. Information about CISH is at AHA members interested in learning more about CISH and its activities can also see “Historians without Frontiers? CISH and International Congresses” and “Getting Ready for Amsterdam: The Beijing General Assembly of CISH.”
This post first appeared on AHA Today.
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