From the AHA
A World of Weapons: Historians Shape Scholarship on Arms Trading
During his first trip abroad as president of the United States, Donald Trump made a $110 billion arms deal with…
“FICO First, Then Sex”: Credit Surveillance and American Character
Equifax, Experian, TransUnion: hardly names you’d give the characters in a classic story. And chances are, they’re not names you…
Advocacy Briefs: AHA Leads in Fight against Budget Cuts, Restrictions on Academic Freedom
The American Historical Association continues to speak out on local, national, and international issues related to academic freedom and financial…
Townhouse Notes
Along with the typical optimism and jitters that accompany each new academic year, which for many historians starts in September,…
A Continent among Continents
Over 20 years ago, John Gillis published a major overview of the state of European historiography in America. In “The…
Mary Maples Dunn (1931–2017)
Academic Leader and Historian of Early America Mary Maples Dunn, historian, academic leader, and a lifelong, influential advocate for women…
Bruce Fetter (1938–2017)
Scholar of Africa and Colonialism; AHA 50-Year Member Bruce Fetter, professor emeritus of history at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee (UWM),…
Blanche M. G. Linden (1946–2014)
Historian of Cemeteries and Landscapes and of Women and Gender Blanche Linden died unexpectedly on July 31, 2014, in Fort…
On “Academic Presses Explore Open Access for Monographs”
To the editor: I have just caught up with the March issue of Perspectives and want to correct a misstatement…
On “History is Not a Useless Major”
To the editor: Paul B. Sturtevant correctly argues that history isn’t a useless major (“History Is Not a Useless Major,”…
On April 2017 Perspectives Articles
To the editor: The articles “History in Ruins” and “History Is Not a Useless Major” (Perspectives, April 2017) are curiously…
Is Civilian Control of the Military Eroding?
Three of the leading figures in the Trump administration are military men. When President Trump refers to “my generals,” he…
AHA Member Spotlight: Ikuko Asaka
Ikuko Asaka is an assistant professor at the University of Illinois. She lives in Champaign, Illinois, and has been a…
Peer-Reviewing Digital Scholarship: A New Conference Leads the Way
A few weeks ago, AHA Today interviewed Celeste Sharpe, a graduate from George Mason University, who’s produced, what is probably,…
Blending Local and Spatial History
The most common way we interact with maps today is through apps and platforms like Google Maps. However, it is…
AHA Member Spotlight: Joseph Reidy
Joseph Reidy is a professor of US history and associate provost at Howard University. He lives in Laurel, Maryland, and…
AHA Welcomes Jill Wharton as Visiting Fellow
The American Historical Association is pleased to announce that Jill Wharton, a Mellon postdoctoral fellow, has joined our staff for…
Memory and Medicine
Contentious debates over the removal of Confederate general statues that dot our landscape have led the AHA to make an…
Peer Review at the AHR
Alex Lichtenstein began a four year term as the editor of the American Historical Review (AHR) last month. His first…
Registration and Housing Open for the 2018 AHA Annual Meeting
Registration for the 2018 AHA annual meeting in Washington, DC, is now open! Those planning to attend can also make…
AHA Member Spotlight: Harry Suwanto
Harry Suwanto is a PhD student at Arizona State University. He lives in Tempe, Arizona, and has been a member…
Imagining a “Job Market” Beyond Supply and Demand
A few weeks ago, two leading higher education publications ran pieces reflecting on important trends in PhD education. Inside Higher…
We Redesigned Our Magazine. Tweet Us YOUR Perspectives!
The September issue of Perspectives will soon arrive in AHA members’ mailboxes. This is a very big deal for Perspectives, as…
AHA Member Spotlight: Pamela Sodhy
Pamela Sodhy is an adjunct associate professor with the Asian Studies Program, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University. She lives…