Featured Articles
From the AHA
Promoting Progress: A Report on the Fifth Workshop for Directors of Graduate Studies
On August 2 and 3, 2007, the AHA conducted its fifth workshop for department chairs and directors of graduate studies,…
Classifying the Discipline: New AHA Policies on Membership Categories
As the dustup last fall about the deletion of "psychohistory" from our membership taxonomy indicated, inclusion on the AHA's list…
What’s in the New AHR?
Members should be receiving the October 2007 issue of the American Historical Review by the end of this month. The…
Proposals Invited for 2010 CISH Meeting in Amsterdam
Deadline for submitting proposals: December 15, 2007 The deadline has now been extended to January 15, 2008 The AHA's Committee…
Confronting a Crisis in the Historical Profession
In 2005, the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation issued a major report on diversity in doctoral education that concluded that…
CMH Issues Best Practices Guide on Equity for Minority Historians in the Academic Workplace
To Deans, Department Chairs, Administrators, and Faculty: This letter introduces “Equity for Minority Historians in the Academic History Workplace: A…
Washington for Historians
For the past seven years, until a recent move to Manhattan, I lived in a "near-in" suburb of Washington, D.C.…
Building on a Hundred Years of Solidity: The NPS Plans for the Future
In 2016, it is conceivable that the president we elect in 2008 will be completing his or her second term…
News Briefs, October 2007
National Park Service Selects New Chief Historian On August 30, 2007, the National Park Service (NPS) announced the long-awaited selection…
Some Songs of Experience
Not long ago, a very articulate historian who often blogs about teaching and research headed a post "I feel dirty."…
Problems and Practices
The main problem in writing letters of recommendation derives from a basic contradiction: the recommender wants to promote the candidate,…
The Art and the Science
Writing letters of recommendation is one of the most important acts of mentorship that we offer younger scholars, especially in…
Haikus or Hagiographies?
In a way letters of recommendation are the haiku of a scholar's writing: brief, pithy works that must capture the…
2007 Seminar on Decolonization: A Report
If evidence was required to demonstrate that historical analysis of "decolonization" is rapidly becoming an important theme—a subdiscipline, even—of modern…
The Historian in the Public Sphere
To the Editor: With the greatest respect to President Weinstein and her views as expressed in The Case of the…
Member News, October 2007
Editor's Note: The purpose of this column, which is published in Perspectivesas space permits, is to recognize and honor the…
Saul Benison (1920-2006)
Saul Benison died of pneumonia in a nursing home in Baltimore, Maryland, on October 5, 2006. He was born in…
Robert Isherwood (1935-2007)
Robert Isherwood died April 10, 2007, in Nashville, after a long illness. Born in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania, on April 18, 1935,…
Madeline Russell Robinton (1909-2006)
Madeline Russell Robinton (née Madeline Ruth Russell) was born in New York City on March 22, 1909, and died on…
Interactive Maps for the AHA’s 122nd Annual Meeting
Those attending the AHA’s 122nd Annual Meeting in Washington D.C. this coming January 3-6, 2008, may want to check out…
The Illinois State Archives Supports Teaching through Primary Sources
The Illinois State Archives has created and made available online teaching packets that focus on primary documents. The most recent…
Library of Congress and Xerox to Team Up on Digital Formats
The Library of Congress and the Xerox Corporation have announced that they will be collaborating on a project to develop…
Update: Federal Funding for National History Day
Updating a story from earlier this week, Senators Norm Coleman (R-MN) and Daniel Akaka (D-HI) have declined to bring to…
Survey Reveals Surprising Number of Missing Items at the Library of Congress
According to a survey carried out by the Library of Congress Inspector General, about one sixth of the library’s “books,…
Over One Million Civil War Pension Applications to be Digitized
The National Archives and the Genealogical Society of Utah (GSU) have agreed to a five-year partnership to digitize case files…
“Celebrating Research” with the Association of Research Libraries
To honor the Association of Research Libraries’ 75th anniversary, the ARL has created a book and web site to highlight…
Federal Funding for National History Day?
Republican Senator Norm Coleman of Minnesota filed an amendment (3364) last Thursday, October 18th, which would provide federal funding for…
October Perspectives: Full to the Brim
The October issue of Perspectives is out with more than 30 articles filling the pages (both in print and online)…
A Plethora of Lesson Plans at EDSITEment
You may have heard of EDSITEment before, maybe even from this blog, but do you really know about all that…
AHA Constitutional Change Process Continues
In response to the recent request for comments on the proposed constitutional amendments, AHA members have made several useful suggestions…
2008 Job Register Now Accepting Reservations
We are now taking reservations for interview tables and rooms at the Job Register at our next annual meeting, January…
Perusing the Calendar
The AHA’s online calendar allows organizations and universities the opportunity to post notices about meetings and seminars, research opportunities, awards…
Roy Rosenzweig, 1950—2007
Roy Rosenzweig, the Mark and Barbara Fried Professor of History & New Media at George Mason University, and a friend…
2008 Teaching American History Grants
The U.S. Department of Education is now accepting applications for the 2008 Teaching American History grant program. The National Coalition…
AHA President Barbara Weinstein Gives Talk at UNL
Tomorrow, Thursday, October 11, AHA President Barbara Weinstein will present a talk on “Academic Freedom in the Age of Homeland…
UC Berkeley Shares Courses Through Webcasts and iTunes
The University of California at Berkeley has been sharing webcasts of course lectures at their webcast.berkeley site since 2001. While…
GMU Awarded $7.5 Million for National History Education Clearinghouse
George Mason University announced yesterday that it has been awarded $7.5 million by the U.S. Department of Education to build…
History Graduate Students’ Resources Page Gets Updated and Redesigned
The Committee for Graduate Students, chaired by Elise S. Lipkowitz, has updated and redesigned the Resources for History Graduate Students…
Federal Judge Invalidates Order Allowing Former Presidents to Withhold Records
This article is cross-posted on the National Coalition for History’s web site. On October 1, a federal district court judge…
Visit the National Museum of African American History and Culture Online
Even though construction on the National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) isn’t scheduled to start until July…
Discussion Open on AHA Constitution Changes
The AHA’s Council is proposing amendments to the Association’s constitution to enable the AHA to meet its members’ needs more…