Publication Date

October 18, 2007

Perspectives Section

AHA Activities, Perspectives Daily

2007 October PerspectivesThe October issue of Perspectives is out with more than 30 articles filling the pages (both in print and online) with news, AHA activities, Annual Meeting info, professional issues, and more. AHA President Barbara Weinstein starts things off with her article, “Washington For Historians,” which details the sites, sounds, and research opportunities available in D.C. during the upcoming Annual Meeting. Once in the meeting mood you’ll want to check out “Presidential Sessions at the 122nd Annual Meeting,” “Tours Organized by the Local Arrangements Committee,” and “Research Repositories in Washington, D.C.” And for more meeting details see the meeting reminders, the information for persons with disabilities, and an article for interviewers at the Job Register.

When you’ve had your fill of Annual Meeting updates, move on to the Profession column. This issue features a series of articles on letters of recommendation, including: “Some Songs of Experience” from Anthony Grafton, “Problems and Practices“ by Robert Darnton, “The Art and the Science” by Paula Findlen, and “Haikus or Hagiographies?” from Guido Ruggiero.

Another major feature of the October issue is the National Park Service (an NPS poster from 1939 even graces the cover of the print version). Lee White presents “Building on a Hundred Years of Solidity: The NPS Plans for the Future,” while Art Gomez asks “America’s National Parks System: Sunset or New Dawn?”

And there’s so much more. Like Caroline Walker Bynum’s “The P Word,” Robert A. Schneider’s “What’s in the New AHR?” and the National History Center’s Decolonization Seminar report. There are calls for proposals for the 2010 CISH Meeting and the AHA’s 123rd Annual Meeting. And make sure to read the Member updates as well.

Find all of this and more in the online version of the October 2007 issue of Perspectives.

This post first appeared on AHA Today.

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