Left Behind? Historians Lag in the 2006-07 Salary Report
The average salary for historians in academia lags well behind that of other disciplines, even when the health sciences are…
Roy Rosenzweig (1950-2007)
Roy Rosenzweig, the Mark and Barbara Fried Professor of History & New Media at George Mason University, and a friend…
Undergraduate History Degrees Continue to Grow in Number
The number of new history bachelor's degrees reached the highest level in 30 years in 2004–05, as the nation's colleges…
Center for History and New Media at GMU Receives Federal Grant to Create Clearinghouse on History Education
George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, announced on October 3, 2007, that it has been awarded a contract from the…
“Writing Past Lives: Biography as History”: Seminar on Gender History
Why write biography? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using an individual's life as a vehicle to illuminate broader…
The Next Generation of History Teachers
Why did it take me nearly 20 years of teaching to begin asking who among my students were planning to…
The Fight over Presidential Records: Back on the Front Burner
Long-time readers of this column are aware of the long drawn-out, six-year battle that the historical and archival communities have…
News Briefs, November 2007
Two Senior National Archives Officials Resign On October 1, Executive Director Max J. Evans announced that he would retire from…
Practical Advice for Treating Job Candidates
History department searches take many forms. Departmental needs and the local way of balancing teaching, research, and service may shape…
Public Education and the National Park Service: Interpreting the Civil War
Editor's Note: This essay is the second in a series on the National Parks. See also "America's National Parks System:…
Plagiarism and Historical Journals
The much-discussed decision of the American Historical Association's Professional Division to cease assessing specific accusations of plagiarism raised the question…
Getting Ready for Amsterdam: The Beijing General Assembly of CISH
It is a notable marker of the westward drift of world economic power from the Atlantic Basin to East and…
After 80 Years of Existence, Is the ICHS Still Relevant?
Editor's Note: The essay being re-published online here—with the permission of the author—originally appeared in the bilingual Information Bulletin of…
IFRWH Meets in Sofia
The International Federation for Research in Women's History (Fédération International pour la Recherche en Histoire des Femmes) held its 2007…
AHA Statement on the Framework Decision of the Council of the European Union on the Fight against Racism and Xenophobia
Editor's Note: The following is the text of the statement issued by the Council of the American Historical Association in…
AASLH Meets in Atlanta
The American Association for State and Local History (AASLH) held its annual meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, September 5–8, 2007. Over…
HSTCC Organizes Session at Annual Meeting: “Making Sense of a Changing China”
The Historical Society for Twentieth-Century China (HSTCC), an affiliate of the AHA, has organized, in conjunction with the National Committee…
Forum on Mentoring: Introduction
In graduate school, the relationship between the graduate student and his or her adviser is crucial to the student's development.…
Learning the Craft: The Role of Graduate Mentors
Graduate training in history is a survival of an artisanal mode in an educational world of mass production and corporatized…
Graduate Student Mentoring
When I began teaching in my first real job, the two things about which I was most apprehensive were lecturing…
Teaching Assistants and Other Issues
Despite the attention the profession has given to the importance of teaching over the last couple of decades, too often…
Teaching History in Independent Schools
Some academics view high school teaching as the epitome of failure—a fall-back plan for those who can't make it in…
From the Archives: Preparing for the Job Register
In little more than a month, hundreds of historians will descend on Washington, D.C. in search of the perfect job.…
C-SPAN’s Q & A
Devoted C-SPAN watchers probably already know that each Sunday night the channel airs their Q & A series, showcasing interviews…
Early Deadline for the Albert B. Corey Prize in Canadian-American Relations
Submissions for the 2008 Albert B. Corey Prize are due to the prize committee by January 15, 2008. The biennial…
House History
The web site of the Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives has an interesting new feature: The…
The American Historical Review – October Issue Online
The October issue of the American Historical Review can now be found online at its new home with the University…
November Perspectives: Mentors, CISH, Annual Meeting, and More
The November issue of Perspectives spans a range of topics and areas of interest. To begin, see a number of…
Library of Congress Celebrates Native American Heritage Month on the Web
The Library of Congress, along with a half dozen other agencies, has created a site to recognize Native American Heritage…
Deadline for Reserving Space in the Job Register is November 15
This is a reminder for all institutions that wish to interview candidates at the 2008 Annual Meeting in official Job…
The Feds and IRBs: Your Opportunity to Weigh in
The federal government is inviting comments (at https://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/documents/20071026.htm) on policies that lead to the intrusion of institutional review boards (IRBs)…
NPS Director Welcomes New Chief Historian and Sees a Future of Sharing History
On Tuesday of last week, October 30th, the National Park Service and National Trust for Historic Preservation held a reception…
AHR Online in Transition
The October 2007 issue of the American Historical Review is now online at its new home with the University of…
Interdisciplinary Study Gets New Push from Mellon Foundation
As Roland Barthes pointed out in one of his richly dense meditations, interdisciplinarity in research cannot be brought about by…
The AHA’s Annual Report for 2006
Each year the American Historical Association produces an Annual Report that includes reports from the editor of the American Historical…
The Annual Meeting Program is Now Online!
The Program of the 122nd Annual Meeting is now online and fully searchable. Peruse the already prepared lists of sessions…