Publication Date

November 14, 2007

Perspectives Section

AHA Activities, Perspectives Daily

November PerspectivesThe November issue of Perspectives spans a range of topics and areas of interest. To begin, see a number of articles on the International Committee of Historical Sciences (CISH), which recently held its general assembly meeting in Beijing. These articles include:

While the above articles may be of interest to all historians, graduate students will be most interested in a group of articles on mentoring, which are based on a Committee for Graduate Students forum held at the 2007 Annual Meeting:

And as the 2008 Annual Meeting approaches, find numerous articles to help you prepare:

The November issue also provides many news articles. For instance, Robert Townsend reports on salaries for historians in academia and new numbers on undergraduate history degrees. Find also the Professional Division’s practical advice for treating job candidates, Dwith Pitcaithley’s history of the NPS’s interpretation of the Civil War, and an article on plagiarism and historical journals. More articles on more topics can be found online in the November issue of Perspectives.

This post first appeared on AHA Today.

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