Teaching Special

The relief featured on the cover shows soldiers joyfully returning home in 1918 and is a stark contrast to the solemn or heroic atmosphere surrounding most war commemorations. The relief is from the Monument aux Combattants de la Haute-­Garonne in Toulouse, France. The memorial to soldiers from Haute-Garonne who fought in World War I was built in 1920; the sculptures are by Camille Raynaud, André Abbal, and Henry Raphaël Moncassin.

The National Endowment for the Humanities recently launched the latest of several veteran-focused initiatives. Standing Together: The Humanities and the Experience of War will use literature, scholarship, arts, and digital history to build bridges over the significant gulf between those who have experienced war and those who have not. More on this initiative can be found in this issue, on page 14, and at www.neh.gov/veterans/standing-together. The photograph was taken by Brenda Remedios, (CC-BY-NC-SA).

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Allen Mikaelian, editor
Shantha Almutawa, associate editor
Liz Townsend, coordinator, professional data and job center
Vanessa Varin, associate editor, web and social media
Kelly Elmore, manager, marketing and business operations

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