Publication Date

May 19, 2014

Perspectives Section

AHA Activities, News, Perspectives Daily

Each year, the American Historical Association awards several research grants with the aim of advancing the study and exploration of history in a diverse number of subject areas.The AHA is pleased to announce the 2014 winners for the Bernadotte Schmitt Grant, Albert J. Beveridge Grant, Michael Kraus Research Grant, and Littleton-Griswold Grant. The grantees will be conducting research over the course of the year and will receive formal recognition at the annual meeting in January 2014. Congratulations to all of our winners!1370392392-bpfull

Bernadotte Schmitt Grant to support research in the history of Europe, Asia, and Africa

Jack Meng-Tat Chia, Cornell Univ. “Diasporic Dharma: Buddhism and Modernity across the South China Sea, 1910s-70s”

Sarah Cook, Columbia Univ. “Making Global Health in Cameroon, 1945-70”

Elizabeth Burns Dyer, Univ. of Pennsylvania “Play on Words: Masked Politics and Misdirection in the History of Kenyan Theatre, 1945-2013”

Elise Franklin, Boston Coll. “Associational Life, Social Aid, and Decolonization in France and Algeria, 1954-73”

Erica Heinsen-Roach, Univ. of South Florida, St. Petersburg “Diplomatic Encounters, Empire, Law, and Captivity in the Mediterranean”

Jonathan David Bergsma Henshaw, Univ. of British Columbia “Serving the Occupation State: Republican Chinese Elites and the Challenge of Invasion, 1937-45”

Kevin Michael Jones, George Washington Univ. “The Poetics of Revolution: Culture, Politics, and Modernity in Iraq, 1914-63”

Matthew Minarchek, Cornell Univ. “The Final Frontier, Dutch Expansion and Territorialization in the Highlands of Aceh, Indonesia”

Samuel M. Ostroff, Univ. of Pennsylvania “Enterprise, Environment, Empire: The Indian Ocean Pearl Trade, 1658-1802”

Emma Adelaida Otheguy, New York Univ. “Facing the Gallego: Indirect Creolization in the 16th- and 17th-Century Atlantic”

Helen Pfeifer, Princeton Univ. “A Library for Sultans: Mamluk Books in Ottoman Imperial Collections”

Tehila Sasson, University of California, Berkeley, “From Empire to Humanity: Technologies of Famine Relief in an Era of Decolonization”

Sara Silverstein, Yale Univ. “Before Doctors Without Borders: Refugees, Rights, and the Social Frontiers of Europe, 1921-58”

Nazanin Yvonne Sullivan, Yale Univ. “The Curious Case of Navarre (in Blood for Honor: Infanticide in Early Modern Spain)”

Shuang Wen, Georgetown Univ. “Mediated Imaginations: Chinese-Arab Connections in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries”

Andrea Beth Wenz, Boston Coll. “Heresy and the Virgin Mary: Italian Protestantism in Early-Modern Sienna, 1520-1620”

Albert J. Beveridge Grant to support research in the Western hemisphere

Jacob Blanc, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison “Contested Development: Itaipu and the Meanings of Land and Opposition in Military Brazil”

Paul Mokrzycki, Univ. of Iowa “Stranger Danger: Missing Children and the Conservative Politics of Protection, 1978-2003”

William Schultz, Princeton Univ. “Garden of the Gods: Colorado Springs and the Myth of the Culture War”

Amy Smith, Yale Univ. “Facets of Return: Aspects of the Survival and Refashioning of Family Life by Eastern European Jews in the Displaced Persons Camps, America, and Canada, 1945-60”

Rebecca Claire Wagner, Univ. of Cambridge “How America’s Largest Protestant Denomination Became Pro-Life: The Southern Baptist Convention and Abortion, c. 1970-95”

Lee B. Wilson, Clemson Univ. “Masters of Law: English Legal Culture and the Law of Slavery in Colonial South Carolina and the British Atlantic World, 1669-1783”

Eric Steven Zimmer, Univ. of Iowa “Meskwaki Nation: Land, Politics, and Tribal Sovereignty from 1856 to 2003”

Littleton-Griswold Research Grant to support research in US legal history and in the general field of law and society

Kellen Funk, Princeton Univ. “The Lawyers’ Code: The Transformation of Legal Practice in 19th-Century America”

Sara Mayeux, Stanford Univ. “A History of the Right to Counsel in America”

Jameson R. Sweet, Univ. of Minnesota, Twin Cities “The Mixed-Blood Moment: Race, Land, and Law among Dakota Mixed-Bloods in the Nineteenth Century”

Michael Kraus Research Grant to support research in American colonial history

Christine M. DeLucia, Mount Holyoke Coll. “The Memory Frontier: Memorializing King Philip’s War in the Native Northeast”

Gregory Wigmore, “The Limits of Empire: Allegiance, Opportunity, and Imperial Rivalry in the Canadian-American Borderland”


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Dana Schaffer
Dana Schaffer

American Historical Association