Publication Date

May 19, 2014

Perspectives Section

AHA Annual Meeting, Perspectives Daily

We’re making an effort to encourage a bigger range of different kinds of presentations and sessions at the upcoming annual meeting in New York. To that end, we widely publicized the poster session, which has been an important part of the annual meeting for the last two years. That effort paid off; there were over 140 poster proposals submitted, a record for the annual meeting.

After careful consideration, the program committee accepted proposals for 48 excellent posters that cover a huge range of topics. The posters will be presented in two sessions of 24 posters each, in a prominent place in the conference hotel.


Turning your idea into a finished poster that will be seen by hundreds of historians may seem a daunting task, but there’s lots of good guidance and advice available. As you develop your poster you may want to take a look at “Poster Tips for Humanities Conference Posters” on the blog of the Archives and Digital Public History program at New York University. Stephanie Krom, a graduate student at NYU, recently presented a poster at the National Council on Public History conference and has some suggestions specifically aimed at humanities scholars.

Tips for creating a good poster can also be found on the AHA’s website.

This post first appeared on AHA Today.

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