Featured Articles
From the AHA
Challenges for History Doctoral Programs and Students: Rising Admissions and High Attrition
The number of students entering doctoral programs is rising, according to data submitted to the AHA in 2007 by history…
Barely Keeping Up? The 2007-08 Salary Report Suggests History Salaries Are Closing the Gap
History salaries almost kept pace with the rest of academia in the academic year just coming to an end, as…
On the Plain of Sand Creek, in the Valley of Washita
Editor's Note: The following essay is part of a series that is aimed at describing and discussing interpretive programs in…
Supporting Scholars Early in Their Careers: What the AHA Can Do to Nurture New History PhDs
The current economic downturn provides a painful reminder that scholarship, like education in general, tends to suffer in hard times.…
Opening Up Federal Records: The Public Interest Declassification Board Issues Its First Report
The Public Interest Declassification Board Issues Its First Report The Public Interest Declassification Board (PIDB) is a little-known federal advisory…
House Appropriations Panel Considers NARA’s Fiscal 2009 Budget
On April 1, 2008, the House Appropriations Committee's Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government held a hearing to consider…
Conference Rules: Everything You Need to Know about Presenting a Scholarly Paper in Public
Editor's Note: The following essay originally appeared in the "First Person" column of the Careers section of the Chronicle of…
Masters at the Movies, Take 4
Under the rubric, "Masters at the Movies," this column features a variety of articles about film crafted by some of…
Causes Won, Lost, and Forgotten: Hollywood and the Civil War since Glory
Hollywood’s engagement with the American Civil War illuminates changes in popular understanding of the conflict. I have been especially intrigued…
Podcasting and the Profession
As symbolized by the AHA's own web site, historians have made admirable advances in utilizing computer and networking technologies. In…
Teaching History with YouTube
… and Other Primary-Source Video Sites on the Internet In my experience, movies have a bad reputation in the classroom.…
K-12 Teaching: Why Should We Care?
Robert Townsend's October 2005 Perspectives article, “New Study Highlights Prominence of Elite PhD Programs in History,” spelled out what most…
Members, May 2008
Editor's Note: The purpose of this column, which is published in Perspectives on History as space permits, is to recognize…
Charles Budd Forcey (1925-2008)
Historian of the Progressive Era Charles Budd Forcey, known to his friends as "Pete," died on February 8, 2008. He…
George M. Fredrickson (1934-2008)
Former president of the OAH; renowned historian of race George M. Fredrickson, the Edgar E. Robinson Emeritus Professor of History…
John A. Garraty (1920-2007)
AHA vice president and editor of American National Biography; presided over the Society of American Historians John A. Garraty, Gouverneur…
Ronald S. Love (1955-2008)
Specialized in early modern France; president of Western Society for the Study of French History Ronald S. Love, a specialist…
Thomas D. Marzik (1941–2007)
Specialist in Czech, Slovak, and diplomatic history Thomas D. Marzik (1941–2007), professor of history at Saint Joseph's University, died of…
Robert F. Southard (1945-2007)
Taught German and Jewish history at Robert F. Southard, 62, of Liberty, Indiana, and Oxford, Ohio, died unexpectedly on November…
John Jay TePaske (1929–2007)
Historian of colonial Latin America; former vice president of the AHA’s Professional Division John Jay TePaske (1929–2007), a leading scholar…
Wanted: Your Used Books
If spring cleaning has you inching your old books and journals ever closer to the trash, stop right there and…
Celebrating Change: Online Databases and Collegiality in the Discipline
Some recent observations in the blogosphere about the “conservative” nature of our disciplinary research practices, and an invitation to speak…
May is National Preservation Month
The National Trust for Historic Preservation has declared May 2008 as the fourth annual National Preservation Month, and has created…
Archives Wiki Needs You!
As you begin to prepare for your summer research projects, we hope you’ll visit the AHA’s recently launched ArchivesWiki. Since…
Worrisome News in the Life Cycle of History PhDs
As the school year draws to a close, the new Perspectives on History features two articles on the life cycle…
A Museum for Everything
If you’re interested in art, art history, or just cultural artifacts in general, visit The Museum of Online Museums (MoOM),…
Breaking New Ground in the May Issue of Perspectives on History
The wide-open space featured on the cover of the May 2008 issue of Perspectives on History is the Washita Battlefield…
National History Center Revamps Website
The National History Center recently spruced up its web site with a sleeker, more streamlined look. A simpler navigation structure…
An Appetite for History
Digitization projects like Google Books are hot topics right now, but some sites have been scanning and displaying books for…
Opinions Wanted – Perspectives Reader’s Survey
At the beginning of this year Perspectives, the AHA’s newsmagazine, embraced a slightly more specific name, and became Perspectives on…