Publication Date

May 12, 2008

Perspectives Section

AHA Activities, Perspectives Daily

May 2008 Issue of Perspectives on HistoryThe wide-open space featured on the cover of the May 2008 issue of Perspectives on History is the Washita Battlefield in Oklahoma. This National Historic Site is the topic of a public history article on interpretive programs in the National Park Service. Other articles in this diverse issue cover film, technology, teaching, and more.

Hear from Teofilo Ruiz, vice president of the AHA’s Research Division, on the importance of “Supporting Scholars Early in Their Careers.” Then read executive director Arnita Jones’s article, which takes on a broader range of scholars in “The Life Cycle of the AHA Member.” And K-12 teachers are included as well, in Brad Austin’s “K-12 Teaching: Why Should We Care?”

Robert Townsend offers two items for the News Column: a report on rising admissions and high attrition in history doctoral programs, and the 2007 history salary report. In the Coalition Column, Lee White of the National Coalition for History tackles “Opening Up Federal Records” and NARA’s 2009 budget.

Even though the AHA’s annual meeting is still months away, it wouldn’t hurt to read up on Linda Kerber’s “Conference Rules: Everything You Need to Know about Presenting a Scholarly Paper in Public.”

Then the Masters at the Movies series continues with Gary Gallagher’s look at Hollywood and the Civil War.

Finally, examine both old technology (rediscover the book review) and new (podcasts and YouTube), and learn something fresh about both.

Find this all, plus a number of remembrances in the In Memoriam column, in this month’s issue of Perspectives on History.

This post first appeared on AHA Today.

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