Minority Faculty


Robert B. Townsend, editor and manager, publications and information systems
Pillarisetti Sudhir, managing editor
Karen Adams, assistant editor
Cecelia Dadian, senior editor
Kate Masur, editorial assistant
Liz Townsend, editorial assistant
Vernon Horn, internet services coordinator

Other Articles

Pencils on yellow background

April 1, 2000

From the President

On Diversity in History

April 1, 2000


NCC Advocacy Update, April 2000

April 1, 2000

Letters to the Editor

Who Is a Historian?

April 1, 2000

Letters to the Editor

The Standards Question

April 1, 2000

In Memoriam

Victoria Chandler (1950-99)

April 1, 2000

In Memoriam

Jack D. Foner (1910-99)

April 1, 2000

In Memoriam

Richard Curry Marius (1933-99)

April 1, 2000

In Memoriam

John D. Stark (1927-99)
Light pink circles across pink and blue background

April 1, 2000

In Memoriam

Gordon Wright (1912–2000)