Publication Date

April 1, 2000

Perspectives Section

AHA Activities

April Burgose (PhD cand., Boston Univ.), “The Alhambra in the 14th Century: A Social History of an Islamic Palace-City”

Ben Carton (George Mason Univ.), “Sheltered in White Rule: African Collaboration and Labor Recruitment in Colonial Matabeleland and KwaZulu, Southern Africa, 1900–1980”

Lisa Forman Cody (Claremont McKenna Coll.), “Foreign Midwives in Training at the 18th-Century Hôtel Dieu in Paris”

James Cook (Central Washington Univ.), “Bridges to Modernity: Overseas Chinese and Modernization in China, 1842–1937”

Duane Corpis (PhD cand., New York Univ.), “Geographies of Religious Conversion: Crossing the Boundaries of Belief in Southern Germany, 1648–1800”

Emily R. Gottreich (postdoctoral research associate), “Jewish Space in the Islamic City: A History of the Mellah of Marrakesh”

Dawn Hayes (Iona Coll.), “Thresholds to the Sacred: Bodies and Churches in Northern France in the Central and Latter Middle Ages, 1100–1400”

Maureen Healy (PhD cand., Univ. of Chicago), “Vienna Falling: Total War and Everyday Life”

Jeffrey H. Jackson (Eastmon Sch. of Music), “Making Jazz French: Music and Cosmopolitanism in Interwar France”

Carolyn Johnston (Univ. of North Texas), “The Politics of Pantomime: Working-Class Theater in Paris, 1815–1863”

Richard Keller (PhD cand., Rutgers Univ.), “French Psychiatry in Colonial North Africa, 1900–1962”

Julie Livingston (PhD cand., Emory Univ.), “The Social History of Disability in Botswana, 1930–1990”

Sean Andrew Martin (PhD cand., Ohio State Univ.), “Building Our Own Home: The Ethnic Identity of the Jews of Krakow, 1918–1939”

Steven T. Pierce (PhD cand., Univ. of Michigan), “Punishment and the Political Body: Flogging and Colonialism in Northern Nigeria”

Brett L. Shadle (PhD cand., Bowdoin Coll.), “‘Girl Cases’: Runaway Wives, Eloping Daughters and Abduction in Gusiland, Kenya”

Corinna Treitel (Harvard Univ.), “Avatars of the Soul: Cultures of Science, Medicine, and the Occult in Modern Germany”

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