The AHA Council voted unanimously to accept the American Association for History and Computing, the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, the North American Society for Sport History, and the Urban History Association, for affiliation with the American Historical Association.
They join 106 other historical associations and societies in a special relationship with the AHA. Benefits of affiliation include listing in the annually published Directory of Affiliated Societies, gratis meeting rooms at the AHA’s annual meeting, as well as the opportunity to publish news items in the “Affiliated Societies” column in Perspectives and in the specially designated area on the AHA web site.
The American Association for History and Computing (AAHC) was founded in 1996 to support and encourage the productive use of electronic technology across all fields of historical endeavor. It is comprised of a diverse group of university and college faculty, K-12 instructors, graduate students, educational technologists, librarians, archivists, public historians, publishers, editors, and independent historians dedicated to exploring and shaping the place of computing technology in history. The AAHC publishes the Journal of the American Association for History and Computing, an electronic journal available at Currently, the AAHC is conducting a study on tenure and promotion practices relating to technologies at institutions of higher education.
The second new affiliate is the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS), established in 1969 to encourage and advance study and research in the history of 18th-century culture in the broadest sense. ASECS sponsors two publications, the quarterly Eighteenth-Century Studies and the annual Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture. Additionally, the ASECS has a strong commitment to teaching and offers pamphlets on how to teach the 18th century to undergraduates. It holds a yearly teaching competition for a new approach to teaching a unit within a course on the 18th century, covering perhaps one to four weeks of instruction, or for an entire new course.
The North American Society for Sport History (NASSH) is the third new affiliate. Established in 1972, the NASSH seeks to promote, stimulate, and encourage the writing and research of the history of sport. The society's journal, the Journal of Sport History, is published in the spring, summer, and fall and includes scholarly articles and reviews of books, films, museum exhibits, and other media. It also publishes a Directory of Scholars in both electronic and book form. The society’s 29th annual meeting will be held at . University of Western Ontario, in London, Ontario, Canada, in May 2001.
The fourth new affiliate is the Urban History Association (UHA), established in 1988. The UHA seeks to promote and advance research and writing about the history of the city in all periods and geographical areas. While many members are historians of North American urban areas, the association has made an international and cross-disciplinary effort to include anyone interested in urban history and is also affiliated with the International Planning History Society. Its journal, The Urban History Association Newsletter, is published biannually in March and October. Recently, the UHA held a lunch meeting at the AHA’s 115th annual meeting in Boston that featured the address of the association’s out-going president, Gilbert Stelter, professor of history at Guelph University, Canada, on the topic, “Does Urban History Need a Theory of the City?”
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