Letters to the Editor

Professors, the Profession, and Public Historians

David Hochfelder | Dec 1, 2010

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To the Editor:

This is a brief note about Robert Townsend’s annual “Profile of the History Profession.” The Profile does not include our public history colleagues working in museums, historic sites, archives, consultancies, and elsewhere. I would love to see them included in this annual snapshot. Until then, a more appropriate title is “Profile of the History Professoriate.”

—David Hochfelder
University at Albany

Robert Townsend writes: I am quite abashed, and particularly so since my forthcoming book is devoted to dispelling precisely this sort of error. Unfortunately, this is one of those cases where I dashed off a headline as I started writing and only reflected on it again when I opened the issue and looked at it in print. Mea culpa.

Tags: Letters to the Editor Career Diversity for Historians Public History


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