Discussions and Community on the AHA’s LinkedIn Page
When we started the AHA’s LinkedIn group we hoped it would be a place for history professionals and enthusiasts to…
Do Digital Docs Need Page Numbers?
From time to time, we receive requests from authors for bibliographic information about articles—their own or by others—they have seen…
EDSITEment Opens Doors to 13 Online Encyclopedias of U.S. States and Territories
For students seeking information on a U.S. state or territory, EDSITEment’s list of 13 encyclopedias (including Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia,…
Making the AHA and the Historical Profession Accessible
Between 1 and 5 percent of historians identify themselves as disabled in surveys, a figure that likely excludes many more…
National History Day 2011 Winners
Every year National History Day engages and inspires thousands of students in the work of history through papers, websites, documentaries,…
Historians in the News: “Gay Girl in Damascus”
It turns out that Tom MacMaster, the now infamously counterfeit “Gay Girl in Damascus” was an American graduate student in…
Suspending Precirculated Papers at the AHA Annual Meeting
The idea of offering precirculated paper sessions at the annual meeting seems intuitively obvious. Sessions using this format are organized…
Items Approved at June 2011 Meeting of the AHA Council
The AHA Council met June 4 and 5, 2011, and made the following decisions: Approved the minutes of the January…
2011 Annual Meeting Survey Results: Satisfaction and Suggestions
Shortly after the 125th Annual Meeting in January of this year, staff at the AHA conducted a survey of meeting…
Updated: Historians among 2011 ACLS Fellows and Grant Winners
Last week we listed historians among the 2011 ACLS fellows and grant winners, but regrettably left out a number of…
Crowdsourcing the Civil War
Have a little time to spare? Consider helping transcribe Civil War letters and diaries online. In commemoration of the sesquicentennial…
Farewell, Dear Friend: David Darlington, 1977—2011
The death, on the last day of May, of David Darlington, associate editor of Perspectives on History, coeditor of the…
Changing the Rules for Three AHA Prizes
Starting with next year’s competition, some rules for the AHA’s John A. Dunning Prize, Herbert Feis Award, and Roy Rosenzweig…
An Aptly Named Book: American History Now
Attention all students of American history, be you undergrad, grad, teacher, professor, emeriti, or history buff. Your summer reading will…
Position Available: Special Projects Coordinator for the AHA
The American Historical Association is hiring a Special Projects Coordinator who will play a central role in the development of…
AHA Membership on the Rise Again in 2011
The Association enjoyed a modest increase in membership over the past year. The number of annual dues-paying members increased by…
Archives Experiences
Last week on the AHA’s Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter pages we asked our followers to “Tell us about an experience…
The Art of History
The Perspectives on History “Art of History” column launched in December of 2009, offering senior historians’ thoughts and advice on…
Finding History Jobs Outside of Academia
Looking for a history job outside of academia? While the AHA publishes job ads (including some outside the classroom) online…
Newest Affiliates of the AHA
At its meeting in early June, the AHA Council accepted four new applications for affiliation from the Association for Documentary…
100 Years at the National Museum of Natural History
The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History is celebrating its centennial. To look back over the past 100 years, the…
U.S. History Myths
George Washington chopped down a cherry tree. Christopher Columbus discovered North America. Abraham Lincoln owned slaves. While these three statements…
Oral History Association Seeks New Institutional Home
The Oral History Association (OHA), a longtime affiliate of the AHA, recently announced that it is seeking a new institutional…
Video: AHA Pacific Coast Branch Annual Meeting
This past August 11–13, 2011, the Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association held its annual meeting on the…
Movie Reviews by Historians: Gods and Generals, The Aviator, and Titanic
Each month since June, the National History Education Clearinghouse blog has been reposting reviews of “popular films, documentaries, miniseries, and…
The Constitution: A Cosmopolitan Examination
The Institute for Constitutional History announces its fall seminar, “The Constitution: A Cosmopolitan Examination,” at the New-York Historical Society. Professors…
National Archives Releases Statement on SEC
On August 18, 2011, the National Archives released the statement below, addressing an allegation that the Securities and Exchange Commission…
Update from the Graduate and Early Career Committee
A quick update on some of the material the Graduate and Early Career Committee (GECC) has been working on recently:…
Five Ways for Historians to Use Twitter
What are history organizations, museums, and others who work in history doing on Twitter? They’re starting conversations, advertising jobs, sharing…
Help Transcribe Historic Menus
The New York Public Library needs your help in transcribing its collection of over 10,000 digitized historic restaurant menus at…
Are Citations the Best Measure of History Journals?
The American Historical Review was the most cited journal in history in 2010, garnering one in every eight citations to…
Please Note: Online Member Services Unavailable 8 a.m. to Noon Tomorrow
Tomorrow, August 4, 2011 from 8 a.m. to noon, AHA’s online member services will be unavailable while our association management system (AMS) makes…
Members, Send Us Your News
AHA members are invited to submit news about themselves, including notices of recent hires, promotions, publications, fellowships or awards received,…
Five History Books Recommended by You
Last Thursday we asked: “What book or author has had the longest running impact on you?” You quickly responded with…
Getting Free of the IRB: A Call to Action for Oral History
The federal government is offering a significant opportunity to weigh in on the intrusion of institutional review boards (IRBs) into…