Publication Date

August 29, 2011

Perspectives Section

AHA Activities, Perspectives Daily

This past August 11–13, 2011, the Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association held its annual meeting on the theme of “Horizons of Change: The Unexpected, Unknown, and Unforgettable.” History News Network has posted videos from the conference on its website and YouTube channel. Here are a few:

Terry Anderson gives a talk on his book, Bush’s Wars. All three parts of the video of this presentation are available at HNN.

Kathleen Belew, a graduate student at Yale, discusses “Timothy McVeigh’s Vietnam War in Oklahoma.” See also part 2.

Lawrence J. McAndrews presents his paper “Losing Hope: Carter, Catholics, and Abortion” at session 4, Religion and Politics in the United States at the PCB annual meeting.

Rebecca Jo Plant, author of Mom: The Transformation of Motherhood in Modern America, speaks at the Western Association of Women Historians luncheon at the PCB annual meeting. See also part 2, part 3, and part 4 of this talk.

Please note that all members of the AHA who live west of the Mississippi River are members of the Pacific Coast Branch.

This post first appeared on AHA Today.

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