Dual Enrollment

In the shifting landscape of higher education, departments of history would do well to pay attention to proliferating “dual enrollment” courses, in which high school students simultaneously earn high school and college credit. Because they cost less than a college course, they are popular with high school teachers, parents, and state legislatures. But what are the ramifications for university history departments faced with declining enrollments? Are DE courses really equivalent to introductory history courses? In this Perspectives forum, contributors attempt to answer these questions.

Illustration: Zoila Torres

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Allison Miller, editor
Shatha Almutawa, senior editor
Stephanie Kingsley, associate editor, web content and social media
Sadie Bergen, editorial assistant
Liz Townsend, coordinator, professional data and job center

Other Articles

September 1, 2015


Assessing Dual Enrollment

September 1, 2015


The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

September 1, 2015


No Ordinary High School Class

September 1, 2015


Noble Intentions

September 1, 2015


Open Road
The AHA Townhouse

September 1, 2015

From the Editor

Townhouse Notes, September 2015
Pencils on yellow background

September 1, 2015

From the President

Access and Opportunity
Light pink circles across pink and blue background

September 1, 2015

In Memoriam

F. Hilary Conroy (1919–2015)
Light pink circles across pink and blue background

September 1, 2015

In Memoriam

Caroline Cox (1954–2014)
Light pink circles across pink and blue background

September 1, 2015

In Memoriam

George Harmon Knoles (1907–2014)
Light pink circles across pink and blue background

September 1, 2015

In Memoriam

Mark Leff (1949–2015)
Light pink circles across pink and blue background

September 1, 2015

In Memoriam

Jonathan K. Ocko (1946–2015)
Pen with paper and envelopes

September 1, 2015

Letters to the Editor

On “Standing with Historians of Japan”
Pen with paper and envelopes

September 1, 2015

Letters to the Editor

On “History as a Book Discipline”
Pen with paper and envelopes

September 1, 2015

Letters to the Editor

Career Diversity for Historians
Spotlight on a dark background

September 24, 2015

Member Spotlight, Perspectives Daily

AHA Member Spotlight: Frank A Blazich Jr.
A very long line of yellow lines at different brightnesses on a black background

September 22, 2015

AHA Activities, Perspectives Daily

Texas Conference on Introductory History Courses: An AHA First!
Spotlight on a dark background

September 17, 2015

Member Spotlight, Perspectives Daily

AHA Member Spotlight: Melissa Jane Taylor
AHA 2020 - New York, NY - January 4, 2020

September 16, 2015

AHA Annual Meeting, Perspectives Daily

Announcing the 130th AHA Annual Meeting
Cup with centaurs. Credit: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des monnaies, médailles et antiques, Paris.

September 15, 2015

Perspectives Daily

Conserving the Berthouville Treasure
Large curving shelves in archives

September 14, 2015

Sunshine and Frustration
A very long line of yellow lines at different brightnesses on a black background

September 14, 2015

AHA Activities, Perspectives Daily

Natsuki Aruga Selected as Honorary Foreign Member for 2015
A very long line of yellow lines at different brightnesses on a black background

September 9, 2015

AHA Activities, Perspectives Daily

AHA Publishes Guidelines for Evaluation of Digital Scholarship
Stranded and homeless immigrants living near the US-Mexico border. Picture taken during a research trip in the summer of 2014.

September 8, 2015

Perspectives Daily, Perspectives Summer Columns

Beyond our Borders: Sharing the Undocumented Past with the Public
A very long line of yellow lines at different brightnesses on a black background

September 3, 2015

AHA Activities, News, Perspectives Daily

AHA President Vicki L. Ruiz named National Humanities Medalist
Large curving shelves in archives

September 2, 2015

Needle in a Haystack