Michael Heyman to Retire from the Smithsonian
Michael Heyman, who headed the Smithsonian Institution for five years, has announced that he plans to retire at the end…
American National Biography Published
More than a decade in the making, the 24-volume American National Biography (ANB) has just been published by Oxford University…
“Talking History” Now Nationally Distributed
In 1996 a group of professional historians met to organize the History News Service (HNS), an informal syndicate of historians…
Report Details Historical Society Status
In a report to members of the Historical Society, President Eugene D. Genovese details the organization's "early success" in recruiting…
Doctoral Training in World History: The Northeastern University Experience
In an April 1992 article in Perspectives, I described a proposed PhD program focusing on world history.1 Seven years later,…
A Program for Reviving the Monograph
The book has been pronounced dead so often that it must be enjoying excellent health. It has remarkable staying power.…
Affiliated Societies, March 1999
Northeast Popular Culture/American Culture Association Book Prizes The Northeast Popular Culture/American Culture Association (NEPCA), a regional chapter of both the…
NCC Advocacy Update, March 1999
Copyright Extension Act Challenged On January 12 the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School and the Washington…
Planning a Graduate Student Conference
For the past three years, the Cold War History Group (COWHIG) of the University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB),…
Talking History as History Is Made: Historians and the Peace between Ecuador and Peru
There was a palpable feeling of excitement at the biannual Ecuadorian History Congress in Quito, November 23–27, 1998, and it…
The Political Economy of Preserving the Past: The Rio Blanco Mill in Mexico
The sprawling, architecturally elegant Rio Blanco textile mill can tell us many things about Mexico's past, only one of which…
Letters to the Editor, March 1999
Electronic Publishing To the Editor: So Robert Darnton is going to solve the problem of unpublished dissertations by electronic dissemination…