Northeast Popular Culture/American Culture Association Book Prizes
The Northeast Popular Culture/American Culture Association (NEPCA), a regional chapter of both the American Culture Association (ACA) and the Popular Culture Association (PCA), is pleased to announce the NEPCA Book Award competition. This annual prize will recognize the best scholarly monograph on any popular culture, culture studies, or American culture topic published in the previous year by an author who lives or works in New England or New York, or who has done so in the past two years.
Each publisher may nominate one book per year for this competition from January 1 to June 1, 1999. Eligible books will have been published in 1998 as original monographs representing the best, creative scholarship in this multidisciplinary field. Edited books, fiction, anthologies, or collections will not be considered. The prize—a certificate of merit and a $200 stipend—will be awarded to the author at the annual Northeast PCA/ACA conference in Portland on October 30, 1999.
Nominations should be sent with one copy of the book to each of the award committee members: Bruce Cohen, Worcester State College, Dept. of History, Worcester, MA 01602; Ruth Shackelford, Long Island University, Dept. of History, Brooklyn, NY 11201; Stephen Soitos, 17 Linden St., Northmpton, MA 01060; Robert Weir, Bay Path College, Longmeadow, MA 01106-2292; and Peter Holloran, the executive secretary of the NEPCA, 41 Linnaean Street, Cambridge, MA 02138. Further details may be obtained from Peter Holloran by mail or e-mail addressed to
Urban History Association Announces Awards
Mark Tebeau, a visiting assistant professor at Carnegie Mellon University received the Urban History Association’s annual prize for the best doctoral dissertation in urban history completed during 1997, for “‘Eating Smoke:’ Masculinity, Technology, and the Politics of Urbanization, 1850–1950.” The dissertation was written at Carnegie Mellon University with Joel A. Tarr and John Modell.
The prize for the best book in North American urban history published during 1997 was conferred on Amy Bridges (Univ. of California at San Diego) for Morning Glories: Municipal Reform in the Southwest, published by Princeton University Press.
Mary Corbin (Univ. of Maryland at College Park) received the prize for the best article in urban history published during 1997, for “Paradise Retained: An Analysis of Persistence in Planned, Exclusive Suburbs,” which was published in Planning Perspectives, 12 (1997), 165-–91.
For information about the prizes and activities of the Urban History Association contact Michael H. Ebner, Executive Secretary-Treasurer, Lake Forest College, 555 N. Sheridan Road, Lake Forest, IL 60045. E-Mail:
H-Net List for Bibliographers
H-Net has added a new list, H-HistBibl at on the study and practice of history librarianship. The list is intended to be an international network for librarians, archivists, curators, and scholars interested in the practice and study of bibliographic and library services in support of historical study and teaching.
The new list seeks to provide the first discipline-wide electronic forum for the sharing of questions relating to history librarianship, and intends to facilitate collaboration among history bibliographers. across institutions and countries, and in collection development.
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