Using Technology to Make Research Easier

The cover of this issue shows the correct way to compose a digital camera shot for recording archival data or images that will be used subsequently for research. See the article, "Taking a Byte Out of the Archives: Making Technology Work for You.” Photo courtesy Douglas Mudd, one of the coauthors of the essay.


Pillarisetti Sudhir, editor
David Darlington, associate editor
Christian Hale, production manager
Liz Townsend, editorial assistant
Vernon Horn, internet projects coordinator

Other Articles

Pencils on yellow background

January 1, 2005

From the President

How Do We Learn from History?
AHA 2020 - New York, NY - January 4, 2020

January 1, 2005

AHA Annual Meeting

Electronic Proposal Submission System Activated

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Members, January 2005

January 1, 2005

In Memoriam

Jackson Turner Main (1917-2003)

January 1, 2005

In Memoriam

Allyn F. Roberts (1954-2004)

January 1, 2005

In Memoriam

Beate Ruhm von Oppen (1918-2004)

January 1, 2005

In Memoriam

Thomas Winter (1961-2004)


Thin lines of light in green, blue, and yellow in a curved shape against the night sky.

January 1, 2005


Job Market Report 2004

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Historians Garner Kudos
Thin lines of light in green, blue, and yellow in a curved shape against the night sky.

January 1, 2005


Beyond Academe