Carnegie Initiative Calls for Participation by History Departments
The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching has chosen history as one of the six focus disciplines for its…
Advantaged to Be a Historian?
Lynn Hunt worries (in the December 2002 issue) whether any American historian of her generation "would be able to pretend…
Historians and Other Careers
Year after year, Perspectives seems to be publishing the same articles on the current academic job market and the poor…
Watch That Teacher?
Leon Fink, et al., seem to be asserting in their October 2003 article, "Hey, Prof., Watch That Teacher!" that (a)…
Presidential Columns
In graduate school, I read Perspectives solely for the job listings and wanted nothing more to do with it after…
William B. Cohen (1941-2002)
William B. Cohen of Indiana University died on November 25, 2002, at the age of 61 after an accident at…
James C. Thomson Jr. (1931-2002)
James C. Thomson Jr. was born September 14, 1931, in Nanking, China, and died August 11, 2002, in Boston, of…