From the AHA
Conference on History Journals and the Electronic Future
Print will continue well into the future, but history journals should lay the groundwork for eventual online publication, according to…
Riding the “Wave of the Present”
The wave of the present. That is how Christopher Tomlins elsewhere in this issue so evocatively describes the Internet, the…
Can You Do Serious History on the Web?
Many who write and teach history have been intrigued and even excited by the proliferation of historical web sites that…
The Unbound Academy
The pages of Perspectives this month are filled with insights and models for using digitized materials and the Internet to…
Teaching the History Survey Course using Multimedia Techniques
After years of considering how (and what) technology could best be used in introductory history survey courses, the humanities division…
Teaching with the Web: Two Approaches
I. The Web as Superbibliography By original professional affiliation I am a Latin Americanist, and while my research has increasingly…
NCC Advocacy Update, February 1998
Update on the NEH During his first month as chair of the National Endowment for the Humanities, William R. Ferris…