Publication Date

November 1, 2017

Perspectives Section

AHA Annual Meeting

The AHA Committee on Gender Equity’s annual networking breakfast provides an exciting and unique opportunity to meet scholars across generations working in all fields. The breakfast has a new name this year, reflecting the committee’s new name (formerly the Committee on Women Historians). We warmly invite anyone with an interest in gender history to this year’s breakfast.

The breakfast will be held during the Association’s 132nd annual meeting, from 8:00 to 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, January 6, 2018, in the Marriott Wardman Park’s Marriott Ballroom Salon 1. The breakfast is sponsored by the Berkshire Conference of Women Historians.

The invited speaker, Nwando Achebe (Michigan State Univ.), will deliver an address titled “Journey into Being: ­Africanist, Gender, and Oral Historian.”

Achebe writes: “The presentation details my personal journey into becoming an Africanist and gender historian. Along the way, I consider questions related to the ownership and production of Africanist knowledge while highlighting several influential interpretive voices that have shaped received canon in ways that are at best problematic and at worst Eurocentric. These voices have worked to interrupt and/or disrupt true understanding and knowledge about African women and gender. I end by offering up my own African- and gender-centered intervention into existing discourse and production of history.”

The continental breakfast is open to all, but tickets must be purchased when registering for the meeting or by calling 508-743-0510 to add tickets to an existing registration. Prepaid tickets will be distributed with the meeting badge at the registration counters. A limited number of tickets may be available at the meeting.

Cost: $35 members, $50 nonmembers, $15 student members, and $35 student nonmembers. AHA members may bring a student nonmember to the breakfast at the student member rate. for details.

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