The 110th annual meeting of the American Historical Association will be held in Atlanta from January 4 through 7, 1996, at the Atlanta Hilton and the Atlanta Marriott Marquis Hotels. Over 713 scholars, including 63 from abroad, will appear on the program. In addition, 43 affiliated societies and other groups will cosponsor sessions or hold separate luncheons, sessions, and meetings. Affiliate events are listed in the front portion of the Program, beginning on page 21. AHA-sponsored sessions begin on page 57. Highlights of AHA-sponsored sessions will appear in the December issue of the newsletter. Noted below are sessions sponsored by Association divisions and committees.
The AHA Teaching Division is sponsoring several sessions, including “Who Owns History?” “Rethinking the American Survey: An Interactive Session” “Gendering the Survey: Questions, Contradictions, and Suggestions,” “The Experimental Challenge to the Traditional History Text: Primary Source Literature, Music and Artifacts, History Workshop, Student-Generated Scripts, and the CD-ROM,” “Teaching History Using Case Studies,” and “History Textbooks: Challenges and Responses.” For additional details on teaching-related sessions and events, see page 29 of the October issue of Perspectives.
For the fifth year, the AHA Professional Division and the Coordinating Council for Women in History will continue their sponsorship of a workshop entitled “Interviewing in the Job Market of the 1990s.” Session attendees will be divided into small groups, each led by a college or university faculty member or a public historian who will conduct mock interviews and lead discussion of successful interviewing strategies. The Professional Division will also sponsor the session “Integrating the Personal and the Professional: Issues of Family Care in the Academy,” chaired by Herrick Chapman (New York Univ.). Penny Gold (Knox Coll.) will present a paper entitled “Lessons from a Small College Campus: Establishing a Gender-Equitable Family Leave Policy”; Shawn Johansen (Univ. of California at Los Angeles) will present “Perspectives of a Graduate Student Father”; Linda McMillin (Susquehanna Univ.) “The Susquehanna Children’s Center: An Example of University-Community Collaboration”; and Marilyn J. Boxer (San Francisco State Univ.) “Designer Clocks for Academic Careers: Who Wins?”
The AHA’s Research Division will sponsor “Museums and Monuments: Scholarship in the Production of Popular History.” Chaired by laurel Thatcher Ulrich (Harvard Univ.), panelists will be Cary Carson (Colonial Williamsburg), Thomas Crouch (National Air and Space Museum), Dolores Hayden (Yale Univ.), and James Horton (George Washington Univ. and National Park Service).
The Committee on Women Historians is sponsoring “Civil Rights and Sexual Practices,” with papers by Martha Hodes (New York Univ.), Deena Gonzalez (Pomona Coll.), and Allan Berube (Rockefeller Fellow in the Humanities). David Garrow (American Univ.) will chair the session and comment. The Committee on Minority Historians is sponsoring the plenary session “Entitling Citizens: Retrospectives and Prospects of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States” on Thursday; January 4, at 6:30 P.M. Sara M. Evans (Univ. of Minnesota) will chair the session, and panel members will be Mary Frances Berry (Univ. of Pennsylvania) and Julian Bond (Univ. of Virginia). The AHA-Canadian Historical Association Joint Committee will sponsor “National Histories: Their Uses and Contents.” Gordon T. Stewart (Michigan State Univ.) will chair the session; panel members will be Gail Cuthbert Brandt (Renison Coll. of Univ. of Waterloo), Cathy Gorn (National History Day/Univ. of Maryland at College Park), J.L. Granatstein (York Univ.), and Arthur Zilversmit (Lake Forest Coll.).
Preregistration and Housing
By now, all members should have received their printed Program. The meeting preregistration form was included in the Program mailing and in the 1995 election materials. It should be returned to the AHA headquarters office by December 8. Hotel reservation information appeared in the September issue of Perspectives. For copies of forms or additional information, please write Convention Director, AHA, 400 A Street, S.E., Washington, DC 20003.
Meeting attendees can obtain information on airfares from the AHA’s official carrier, American Airlines, by calling American’s meeting services desk toll-free at 1-800-433-1790; ask for Star File number S-6016AB. Attendees can also call Delta Air Lines at 1-800-241-6740; ask for File number N1400. Ask that your tickets be processed by Zenith Travel, the annual meeting travel agency.