Publication Date

December 1, 1989

Perspectives Section

AHA Annual Meeting

As all of you are aware, a major earthquake rocked the Bay Area on Tuesday, October 17. Although it severely affected the area, major damage in the city of San Francisco was limited to the Marina district, a residential community well removed from the convention environment in the downtown area. None of the city’s major hotels suffered major damage. All are open for business, have full power and communications capabilities, and are operating normally. Supplies to the cities’ restaurants and hotels are plentiful, and there are no food or water shortages. More than ample emergency supplies are available to those affected by the earthquake.

San Francisco International Airport is operating at full capacity. All taxis, buses, and transportation services between the airport and downtown are operating normally. Cable cars are chugging along as well.

We do encourage annual meeting attendees to fly into San Francisco rather than Oakland. Although transportation between Oakland and the meeting area continues, it is considerably slowed until the repair of the Bay Bridge is complete.

We realize that those of you attending the meeting or thinking of attending may have questions and concerns. We have received written and oral assurances from the Mayor’s office and the San Francisco Convention and Visitors Bureau that they are prepared and eager to welcome the AHA’s 104th annual meeting to the city. All three hotels have been carefully inspected by state structural engineers. In addition, two AHA staff members made a site inspection of the hotel on November 3 and 4. Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the S.F. Convention and Visitors Bureau at 415/974-6900.

We look forward to seeing you in San Francisco!