Publication Date

September 12, 2023

Perspectives Section

AHA Annual Meeting

The 137th annual meeting of the American Historical Association will be held Thursday through Sunday, January 4–7, 2024, in San Francisco. The online program will be posted on the AHA website in mid-September, and members can look forward to receiving the printed program in mid-November. A meeting app will also be available for smartphones and tablets. Annual meeting sessions and events are scheduled at the Hilton San Francisco Union Square and the Hilton Parc 55 San Francisco. The hotels are across the street from each other.

Preregistration begins on September 15. The lower preregistration rates will be in effect through December 15; after that, the higher on-site rates apply. Registration will be available online from September 15 until the end of the meeting, and in person beginning at 11:00 a.m. on January 4 in the East Lounge on the ballroom floor of the Hilton Union Square.

Admission to the Exhibit Hall requires a 2024 meeting registration badge.

Hotel reservations: Attendees will make hotel reservations though the AHA’s housing service, Maritz. Reservations can be made online or by calling a toll-free number, beginning September 15. AHA rates are available three days before and after the meeting dates, depending on the number of rooms available. See the AHA website for detailed information.

The last day to make or change reservations through the housing service is December 13, 2023. After that date, rooms will be available at the AHA’s convention rates on a space-available basis, and all reservations, changes, and cancelations must be made directly with the hotels. Hotel no-show policies will apply for reservations not canceled at least 72 hours before the first night’s stay.

Health and safety: The AHA and our meeting hotels are working together to follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines to make attendance at the meeting as safe as possible. We expect that all attendees will be vaccinated at the time of the meeting. Attendees should comply with all mask and social distancing rules and guidelines established by the AHA, which will follow the CDC guidance as well as any additional requirements set by the conference hotels and the local government.

Transportation information will be available online at and in the annual meeting program.

Group meetings and reunions: Societies and groups that have not already made arrangements to hold receptions or other meetings should send requests for room space as soon as possible to

Resolutions for the business meeting must be submitted to the office of the executive director by October 1, to allow time for publication. They must be in proper parliamentary form; must be signed by members of the Association in good standing and by at least 2 percent of the total Association membership as of the end of the previous fiscal year (227 people); must not be more than 300 words in length, including any introductory material; and must deal with a matter of concern to the Association or to the discipline of history. Such resolutions must be in accord with the Association’s Guiding Principles on Taking a Public Stance at Resolutions submitted by the deadline, and meeting the criteria for consideration, shall be published in the December issue of Perspectives on History. For complete information about business resolutions, please consult the AHA Bylaws at

Refund policy: Advance registrants who are unable to attend the meeting may request a refund of their registration fee. Refund requests must be emailed to by December 15, 2023, and will incur a $20 fee. Refunds will not be processed after that date.

Hotel and Rate Information

1. Hilton San Francisco Union Square (hdqtrs .)
333 O’Farrell St.

Single: $179
Double: $179
Triple: $199
Quadruple: $219

2. Hilton Parc 55 San Francisco
55 Cyril Magnin St.

Single: $179
Double: $179
Triple: $199
Quadruple: $219

Rates are subject to hotel occupancy tax and will be honored three days before and three days after the official meeting dates of January 4–7 based on availability. Information on booking a room at the discounted rate is available at

A map showing the location of the hotels for AHA23.

Dates and Deadlines

September 15 Preregistration opens.

September 15 Housing opens.

September 30 Deadline to submit membership dues and address changes in order to receive the program in the mail.

November 1 Program mailed to members.

December 13 Last day to make hotel reservations through the housing service. Subsequent reservations taken on a space-available basis at the convention rate.

December 15 Last day for preregistration pricing.

December 15 Deadline to submit registration refund requests.

January 4, 2024 Annual meeting opens at 11:00 a.m. at the Hilton San Francisco Union Square and Hilton Parc 55 San Francisco. Exhibit Hall opens January 5, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Grand Ballroom A&B at the Hilton Union Square.

Meeting Registration

Take advantage of reduced rates by preregistering for the conference. Make sure your membership is up to date so you can enjoy member pricing at each level. Register online at


Preregistration (Member): $200
After Dec. 15 (Member): $240
Preregistration (Nonmember): $325
After Dec. 15 (Nonmember): $391


Preregistration (Member): $200
After Dec. 15 (Member): $240
Preregistration (Nonmember): $200
After Dec. 15 (Nonmember): $240


Preregistration (Member): $92
After Dec. 15 (Member): $110
Preregistration (Nonmember): $140
After Dec. 15 (Nonmember): $169


Preregistration (Member): $49
After Dec. 15 (Member): $61
Preregistration (Nonmember): $153
After Dec. 15 (Nonmember): $183


Preregistration (Member): $95
After Dec. 15 (Member): $116
Preregistration (Nonmember): $163
After Dec. 15 (Nonmember): $197

K–12 Teacher

Preregistration (Member): $71
After Dec. 15 (Member): $86
Preregistration (Nonmember): $137
After Dec. 15 (Nonmember): $164

Bring your Graduate/Undergraduate/K–12 student discount

For members only. Add students to your registration for only $15 each ($30 onsite). Bring as many high school, undergraduate, and graduate students as you want for only $15 each!

Advance registration must be completed by midnight EST on December 15, 2023. Thereafter, onsite rates will apply. Everyone attending the meeting is expected to register. Admission to the Exhibit Hall requires a registration badge. Special note for speakers: All US-based historians presenting on AHA sessions must be AHA members, and all participants must register.

ASL Interpretation at the 2024 Annual Meeting

The AHA offers complimentary sign-interpreting service upon request to our attendees. Please notify the AHA of the sessions you plan to attend and register for the meeting by November 1, 2023. This service is also available upon request for the presidential address and business meeting. Requests should be submitted to by November 1, 2023.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Attribution must provide author name, article title, Perspectives on History, date of publication, and a link to this page. This license applies only to the article, not to text or images used here by permission.

Debbie Doyle
Debbie Ann Doyle

American Historical Association