Publication Date

December 1, 1994

Perspectives Section

AHA Annual Meeting

The current Teaching Division (with representatives from the K–12, two- and four-year college, and graduate levels), building on the superb pathbreaking work of its predecessors, has overseen the formation of a host of diverse sessions for classroom-minded historians. These include the following: Session #8, “When Students Write Their Own Historical Record: Empowering Young People to Generate Historical Archives and Narratives”; Session #17, “Comparative Approaches to World History”; Session #32, “Improving World History Instruction through National Standards and Better Assessment”; Session #55, “The Future Professoriate: Preparing Graduate Students for the Classroom”; Session #65, “World History: Teacher Preparation through High School-College Collaboration, the Philadelphia Story”; Session #75, “Assessment in the Major”; Session #83, “Dramatizing the American Revolutionary Past: Educational Possibilities and Problems”; Session #96, “Collaborating for School Reform: Secondary Schools, Higher Education, and Historical Agencies”; and Session #100, “Legacies of the Second World War: Teaching about Germany and Japan.”

There are also several unnumbered sessions sponsored by affiliated societies (e.g., “Supplying the American Survey Courses: Textbook Materials for the College Classroom”; a book discussion for precollege teachers of The Holocaust by Peter Novick), as well as luncheons and receptions. To examine a summary of these rich offerings, please read pages 16 through 18 of the annual meeting Program.

In addition, for the past couple of years, the program committees have called for commentators to suggest ways the various scholarly papers presented might be reflected in actual teaching. Members of the audience at all sessions should feel free to raise such concerns as well.

It has been our conviction that teaching and scholarship are Clio’s inseparable twins, that each informs and augments the other. Our profession’s growing and long overdue recognition of the teaching historian is evidenced, in part, by what is now taking place at our annual meetings. Everyone benefits from this evolution.