Publication Date

October 1, 2013

Perspectives Section


Eric Arnesen of George Washington University and the National History Center of the American Historical Association and Christian Ostermann of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, co-­directors of the Washington History Seminar, have announced the seminar’s preliminary schedule for fall 2013. The seminar is a joint venture of the National History Center and the Wilson Center, with support from the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR).

The seminar meets on Monday afternoons at 4 p.m. at the Wilson Center in the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, 13th and Pennsylvania, NW, in downtown Washington, DC. Reservations are requested because of limited seating and are accepted beginning one week prior to each session at 202­450­3209 or .

The Schedule

  • September 9: Garret Martin (European Institute and American Univ.) on DeGaulle and the Cold War.
  • September 16: Joseph C. Miller (Univ. of Virginia) on world history and the impoverishment of Africa.
  • September 23: Maya Jasanoff (Harvard Univ.) on Joseph Conrad.
  • September 30: Ernesto Capello (Macalester Coll. and Library of Congress) on Nelson Rockefeller’s 1969 listening tour of Latin America.
  • October 7: John McNeill (Georgetown Univ.) on mosquitoes and revolutions in the Atlantic, 1780–1825.
  • October 14: No Meeting: Columbus Day.
  • October 21: TBA.
  • October 28: John Prados (National Security Archive) on the regulation of intelligence agencies in a democratic society.
  • November 4: Ed Berkowitz (George Washington Univ.) on Supplemental Security Income, the Social Security disability program.
  • November 11: No Meeting: Veterans’ Day.
  • November 18:Linda Colley (Princeton Univ.) on written constitutions and global history.
  • November 25: TBA.
  • December 2: TBA
  • December 9: Jacqueline Jones (Univ. of Texas at Austin) on the concept of race.

To receive an advance e­mail announcement of each seminar, please email.

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