Publication Date

March 1, 2004

Perspectives Section

AHA Activities

At its meetings held on January 8 and 11, 2004, the AHA's Council took the following decisions:

  • Approved minutes of the meeting held May 3–4, 2003, in Washington, D.C.

  • Approved the Committee on Committees 2004 structure.

  • Approved the application of the Society for the Study of Early Modern Women to become an affiliated society of the AHA.

  • Approved a fixed date for the Washington, D.C., spring Council meeting, which will now be held on the first weekend in June each year.

  • Approved cosponsorship of a summer workshop with the Center for History and New Media at George Mason University. The workshop is titled "ECHO: Exploring and Collecting History Online—Science and Technology."

  • Approved cosponsorship with the Library of Congress of an international workshop on history textbooks, "Stories of Our Nation, Footprints of our Souls: What History Textbooks Convey to the Middle School and High School Audience." The date(s) of the workshop will be announced later.

  • Approved support for continuing the work of the Committee on Master's Degrees in History and the implementation of recommendations from The Education of Historians for the Twenty-first Century.

  • Approved the nomination of Maureen Murphy Nutting as the AHA representative to the National History Center's Board of Directors.

  • Approved moving the deadline of the J. Franklin Jameson Fellowship from January 15 to March 15.

  • Recommended that staff start exploring the possibility of electronic balloting for annual elections.

  • Recommended that staff investigate possibility of online submissions of proposals for sessions at the annual meeting.

  • Ratified the amended constitution of the Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association.

  • Accepted the report from the Task force on Public History.

  • Commended the Committee on Graduate Education for its report, The Education of Historians for the Twenty-first Century.

  • Accepted the "Resolution Affirming Free Speech” and the “Resolution regarding Yale University and the Graduate Employee and Students Organization (GESO),” which were adopted at the 118th Business Meeting.

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