The Committee on LGBT History is soliciting submissions for next year’s meeting of the American Historical Association in Washington, DC, January 4–7, 2018. We welcome scholarship focused on any region and period and especially encourage those working on areas outside of the United States and periods before the twentieth century.The CLGBTH also welcomes LGBTQ panels and roundtables that engage with issues of professional development (publishing, job market, mentoring, etc.), as well as teaching. We are especially interested in putting together a panel that explores the teaching of queer themes and events in world history survey courses; if you would be interested in participating in such a panel, please contact us.
The CLGBTH will also organize a special track of sessions to coincide with this year’s theme, “Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism in Global Perspective.” We are calling this track “Queer Intersections: Race, Ethnicity, and Nation.” We hope that panels or roundtables will engage the theme by exploring the intersections of queer identity or queer sexual and gendered practices with the categories of race, ethnicity, and nation. Critics have long noted the whiteness and US-centrism of queer history. The 2018 theme offers a fantastic opportunity to examine the ways that race and ethnicity overlap and inform queer identities, just as queerness also constructs national and racial identities. We especially encourage transnational and cross-cultural panels, though panels focused on race and ethnicity in the US context are also welcome.
If you are submitting an LGBT history panel directly to the AHA, please let us know by February 1 so that we can consider sponsoring your submission. For more information on the CLGBTH, see our website.
The deadline for possible papers and panels is February 1. While we strongly prefer assembled sessions, we will also build sessions from individual paper submissions as needed. In order to submit a panel, please e-mail us the following:
- Session title (of no more than 20 words)
- Session abstract (up to 500 words)
- Paper or presentation titles
- Abstract or description for each presentation (up to 300 words)
- Biographical paragraph or CV summary (up to 250 words) for each participant
- Correct e-mail address for each participant
- Affiliation, city, state, and country for each participant
- Chair (required) and commentator (optional) for the session
- Audiovisual needs, if any
- Twitter handle or website for participants (optional)
In order to submit an individual paper, please provide the following:
- Paper or presentation title
- Abstract or description for presentation (up to 300 words)
- Biographical paragraph or CV summary (up to 250 words)
- Correct e-mail address
- Affiliation, city, state, and country
- Audiovisual needs, if any
- Twitter handle or website (optional)
All proposals and communications should go to CLGBTH Co-Chairs Amanda Littauer ( and Nick Syrett ( All people accepted into CLGBTH programs are required to be current paid members of our organization. You can sign up for or renew membership here.
The final AHA Program Committee deadline is February 15. For details about AHA submissions, see the AHA submission page. Participants on all sessions must register for the AHA annual meeting.
If, for one reason or another, some sessions are not accepted, we will consider including them in our affiliated program, which is submitted after we know the results of the program committee’s deliberations.
This post first appeared on AHA Today.
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