The following is a list of recipients of the various awards, prizes, and honors that will be presented during the 136th annual meeting of the American Historical Association on Thursday, January 5, 2023, in the Regency Ballroom B of the Loews Philadelphia Hotel.
2022 Awards for Scholarly and Professional Distinction
Awards for Scholarly Distinction
Gwendolyn Midlo Hall, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Gwendolyn Midlo Hall was professor emerita at Rutgers University. Hall was a pioneering scholar of the African diaspora and the slave trade and the author of six books and dozens of scholarly articles. For 40 years, she established herself as the preeminent expert on the history of African slavery in Louisiana. In addition, she was an innovator in digital humanities, building the first online database of enslaved people, a database that became the inspiration for similar projects, including the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database.
Hall’s best-known book, Africans in Colonial Louisiana: The Development of Afro-Creole Culture in the Eighteenth Century (1992), uses multiple parish archives from the French and Spanish colonial periods in Louisiana to detail the African backgrounds of the enslaved. Hall was one of the first scholars to demonstrate how African languages and cultures persisted in colonial North America, eventually contributing to Louisiana’s distinct creole culture. Africans in Colonial Louisiana won nine prizes, including from the American Studies Association and the Organization of American Historians.
Hall made extraordinary and enduring contributions to digital scholarship. In 1999, she published a searchable database of more than 100,000 enslaved people identified in Louisiana’s historical records. The database was novel in its ability to sort by categories crucial to social and cultural historians, including fields such as enslaved name, age, sex, African ethnicity, and occupational skill. Hall developed methods that are used widely today to code and to standardize this information, allowing searches across data fields for quantitative analysis. Hall shared her data and methods, collaborating with dozens of scholars around the world to broaden and expand her approach. She also trained genealogists and members of the public how to use her database to recover African American family histories.
For her remarkable scholarly contributions, as well as her fearless civil rights activism, Hall was honored by the Guggenheim Foundation, National Endowment for the Humanities, French and Spanish Ministries of Culture, NAACP, and Whitney Plantation. In 2020, students and faculty at Tulane University removed the name of a segregationist from a campus building and renamed it the Gwendolyn Midlo Hall Building. Hall passed away on August 29, 2022.
Joe William Trotter, Carnegie Mellon University
Joe William Trotter, Giant Eagle University Professor of History and Social Justice at Carnegie Mellon University, is a distinguished, prolific scholar of African American history, with a specialty in urban labor. Beginning with his first monograph, Black Milwaukee: The Making of an Industrial Proletariat, 1915–45 (1985), his work has challenged that of scholars who interpret Black urban history through the narrow lens of the ghetto. Instead, he focuses on labor relations between Blacks and whites, on the working-class dimension of the Black urban experience, and on the larger political economy in which Black workers were embedded. His work has been instrumental in shaping historians’ views of Black urban life in all its complexity. Trotter’s many publications are notable for their cutting-edge scholarship and for their wide variety, bringing the results of his extensive archival research to audiences inside and outside the academy.
Trotter has compiled an outstanding record of contributions to the historical profession. At Carnegie Mellon, he founded the Center for Africanamerican Urban Studies and the Economy. He has also served as a leader, executive board member, and editorial board member of a number of scholarly associations. He is currently president of the Urban History Association and past president of the Labor and Working-Class History Association. He has been active in the Organization of American Historians and the American Historical Association. He has also been an elected officer of the Southern Historical Association, the Immigration Historical Society, and the Oral History Association—all honors that testify to his scholarly achievements and his excellent leadership abilities, as well as to the respect of his peers representing an impressive number and range of history subfields.
Judith Tucker, Georgetown University
Before Judith Tucker’s work, there hardly was a field of women’s and gender history of the Middle East and North Africa. She has been the brilliant guide to the field through a cluster of six influential books that have traced how both lay Muslims and jurists negotiated their way through Islamic legal doctrines and how women used sharia courts to give themselves a voice. She has trained some of the most influential PhDs in her field and served as the president of the Middle East Studies Association from 2017 to 2019.
With an initial focus on 19th-century Egypt, she subsequently broadened her geographic horizons to Syria and Palestine and temporal orientation to the Ottoman period. Using the changing doctrines and practices of Islamic law as her primary sources, she has shown how sharia law, which to outsiders has often seemed intractable, has had a certain plasticity that allowed it to be remolded in accord with the social transformations of the family and gender relations. From her first book, Women in Nineteenth-Century Egypt (1985), to her five years as editor of the International Journal of Middle East Studies, she has made a transformative intervention in the study of gender, which has now, thanks largely to her, found a home in Middle Eastern academic culture. In her studies, women relied on the law to protect their interests not just as wives and mothers but in their broader economic activities as property holders and as workers. Five of her six books have been translated into Arabic, giving her academic work direct relevance for legal reforms that offer justice to women. Far more than most academic historians, she had made a difference for the good.
Honorary Foreign Member
Sir Hilary Beckles, University of the West Indies, Jamaica
Sir Hilary Beckles is professor of economic and social history and vice chancellor of the University of the West Indies (UWI). One of the world’s foremost historians of slavery and the slave trade in the Caribbean, Beckles is the author of nearly three dozen books. He is also widely recognized as the most authoritative living historian of West Indian cricket. He has written and staged eight plays on historical topics ranging from antislavery rebellions to political biographies. Over the last 20 years, he has also become one of the most forward-facing advocates for reparations for Caribbean slavery, representing the region on various United Nations committees and councils worldwide.
In addition to his superb scholarship, activism, and administrative work at UWI, Beckles has been a selfless supporter of scholars from around the world, including the United States. He has served as a council member for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture and as international editor for the Journal of American History. He has also consulted with various scholars, activists, and municipalities in the United States in their consideration of various forms of reparatory justice for slavery. In his administrative capacity at UWI, Beckles has helped organize and underwrite conferences for American organizations in Barbados and Jamaica. Over the course of his career, he has offered personal support to US professors and graduate students conducting research in the Caribbean.
John Lewis Award for History and Social Justice
Trinidad Gonzales, South Texas College
Trinidad Gonzales, instructor and assistant chair of the Department of History at South Texas College, has made many and varied contributions to social justice through public history work on the Texas borderlands, with a reach and significance for national conversations.
A deeply committed public historian, Gonzales is a scholar, teacher, and community activist who does frontline work with students who are often undocumented “dreamers” and who are overwhelmingly low income and Pell Grant eligible. He has been a driving force in Refusing to Forget, a project to bring greater public awareness to the state-sanctioned killings of Mexicans and Mexican Americans in the Texas borderlands in the 1910s. In addition, he has helped to shape high school history standards and successfully advocated for Mexican American studies as part of the Texas high school curriculum. Through all his work, Gonzales has contributed meaningfully to public conversations on border issues, civil rights, and immigrant rights, and he is an exemplary model of a historian with a sustained impact on social justice. Photo courtesy Trinidad Gonzales.
John Lewis Award for Public Service to the Discipline of History
Bryan Stevenson, Equal Justice Initiative
Bryan Stevenson is founder and executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative, a human rights organization headquartered in Montgomery, Alabama. A lawyer by training, Stevenson has dedicated his career to protecting the rights of the vulnerable, the incarcerated, and those condemned to death. Stevenson has won multiple cases before the US Supreme Court, including a ruling that banned mandatory life sentences without parole for children under the age of 17 and a ruling protecting condemned prisoners who suffer from mental illness.
In addition to his legal activism, Stevenson is a champion of public history in the name of social justice. He provided the vision and orchestrated the construction of the National Memorial for Peace and Justice, which honors the memory of more than 4,000 African American lynching victims in the American South between 1877 and 1950. An adjacent museum, the Legacy Museum: From Enslavement to Mass Incarceration, demonstrates how the legacies of slavery and lynching persist in the high rates of African American incarceration and capital punishment. Opened in 2018, the museum and memorial have already received numerous awards and critical acclaim around the country and the world. Photo courtesy Rog and Bee Walker for EJI.
Eugene Asher Distinguished Teaching Award
Katie Stringer Clary, Coastal Carolina University
Katie Stringer Clary’s teaching materials demonstrate that she is a creative teacher who is committed to engaging students in public history from an inclusive framework. Her syllabi provide a breadth of resources and activities for students to develop historical thinking skills. The use of the UnEssay Project, for instance, taps into creative responses to a question while still requiring historical research, while Reacting to the Past scenarios help students to develop a historian’s sense of sourcing and perspective.
Beveridge Family Teaching Prize
Mary Institute and Saint Louis Country Day School, History of St. Louis Teaching Team
The Mary Institute and Saint Louis Country Day School’s packet on St. Louis demonstrates the usefulness of cross-curricular project-based learning. This innovative course, as well as the varied methodologies used, embraces innovations in secondary history teaching. Students are invited to engage in research and develop a product (a documentary or a grant proposal) through which they also learn and practice important real-world skills. The activities foster historical inquiry as a means to seek solutions to contemporary issues.
Equity Award (Individual)
Tiya Miles, Harvard University
Tiya Miles has done much in thinking about minoritized experiences, whether native or Black in the United States. The rigor and care with which she approaches her impressive work in public and academic history, especially the intersection of Black, Indigenous, and women’s histories, extends to the way she works with students, especially those from minoritized backgrounds, providing affirmation for their experiences and inspiring the trust they need to undertake their own important research. Photocourtesy Stephanie Mitchell.
Equity Award (Institutional)
California State University, Los Angeles, Department of History
Through mentoring, professional training opportunities, and resource development designed to address the unique needs and experiences of Latinx, first-generation, and other students of minoritized backgrounds, the Department of History at California State University, Los Angeles, has dedicated itself to the hard work of recruiting more Latinx students into history programs and the discipline. This dedication is evident through the high percentage of Latinx students enrolled in its MA program, and especially through the success of its graduates of color.
Herbert Feis Award in Public History
Nicholas Breyfogle, Ohio State University
With capacious vision and collaborative spirit, Nicholas Breyfogle has made a lasting contribution through diverse public history projects. These include Origins: Current Events in Historical Perspective; Picturing Black History, in partnership with Getty Images; the voter information portal A Well-Informed People; as well as essays, three podcast series, a video channel, and teacher resources. While bringing crucial historical context to contemporary issues, he also has provided guidance and venues for students and colleagues seeking to engage the public.
Nancy Lyman Roelker Mentorship Award
Orli Kleiner, Brooklyn Technical High School
Orli Kleiner is an exceptional teacher who is described by her students and colleagues as a “passionate and motivating” instructor, a “caring mentor,” and an “incomparable role model.” Teaching at a diverse high school primarily dedicated to STEM fields, she has sparked in her students an extraordinary interest in the past. Equally, her commitment to lifelong learning distinguishes her approach to the study of history and continues to inspire her students years after her exciting presence in the classroom.
2022 Awards for Publications
Herbert Baxter Adams Prize in European History
Dan-el Padilla Peralta, Princeton University
Divine Institutions: Religions and Community in the Middle Roman Republic (Princeton Univ. Press, 2020)
In Divine Institutions, Dan-el Padilla Peralta proposes a sweeping reinterpretation of middle-republic Rome. Throughout the fourth and third centuries BCE, Rome diverted resources to temples, theaters, and festivals as ritual sites of civic cohesion and identity. Padilla argues that this transformation, and not war or political institutions, explains the survival of the republican state. Breathtaking in its ambition and strikingly creative in its methodology, Divine Institutions sets a new standard in classical studies.
George Louis Beer Prize in European International History
Emily Greble, Vanderbilt University
Muslims and the Making of Modern Europe (Oxford Univ. Press, 2021)
This deeply researched and intellectually exciting book reshapes our understanding of Islam and Muslims’ place in Europe during the 20th century. Rather than consign post-Ottoman European Muslims to the margins—of contemporary political rhetoric as well as of secular nation-states—Emily Greble’s study makes the experiences and, critically, actions of Muslims inseparable from the history of Europe and of Europeanness. A novel and more accurate understanding of the development of modern European society is the result.
Jerry Bentley Prize In World History
Jonathan E. Robins, Michigan Technological University
Oil Palm: A Global History (Univ. of North Carolina Press, 2021)
In this deeply researched, nuanced, and crisply written history, Jonathan E. Robins explains palm oil’s rise to global prominence as a critical source of edible fat worldwide and a preservative in innumerable products. Throughout Oil Palm, Robins underscores the significance of contingency and human agency in the spread of Elaeis guineensis around the planet, while also emphasizing how the global market for palm oil was shaped by large-scale processes such as colonialism, forced labor, ecological domination, and postcolonial development policies.
Albert J. Beveridge Award In American History
Roberto Saba, Wesleyan University
American Mirror: The United States and Brazil in the Age of Emancipation (Princeton Univ. Press, 2021)
American Mirror is an elegantly written, deeply researched examination of the relationship between abolition and capitalism in the United States and Brazil. Roberto Saba’s narrative moves deftly between humanizing details and emerging transnational structures, across regions and periods. This field-changing book argues that abolition was central to the development of systems of capitalism in both the US and Brazil, and that planters and businessmen in both nations (including southern expatriates in Brazil) engaged deeply with each other on these questions.
Paul Birdsall Prize in European Military History
Bastiaan Willems, Lancaster University
Violence in Defeat: The Wehrmacht on German Soil, 1944–1945 (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2021)
Grounded in meticulous and exhaustive research, Violence in Defeat analyzes the German army’s brutality against Germans at the end of the war. By focusing on the transformation of Königsberg into a “community of violence” in 1945, Bastiaan Willems connects Wehrmacht soldiers’ participation in genocide on the Eastern Front to their destructive behavior toward their own society. This important first book by an early career scholar yields fresh insights into the dynamics of total war and mass violence.
James Henry Breasted Prize in Ancient History
Brian Lander, Brown University
The King’s Harvest: A Political Ecology of China from the First Farmers to the First Empire (Yale Univ. Press, 2021)
In this multidisciplinary study of the political ecology of northwest China, Brian Lander vividly describes how, in their search for increasing revenues, early Chinese states destroyed the natural ecosystem, replacing it with an agricultural one. War caused states to enhance their administrative machinery; peace allowed them to use it to transform the ecosystem. The book warns us that, in our endless search for economic growth, we will finish the grim project of destroying our planet’s environment.
Albert B. Corey Prize In Canadian–American History
Benjamin Hoy, University of Saskatchewan
A Line of Blood and Dirt: Creating the Canada–United States Border across Indigenous Lands (Oxford Univ. Press, 2021)
Focused on the creation of the Canada–US border, Benjamin Hoy’s ambitious study treats the complexities involved in border construction itself. It centers relationships that have previously been relegated to the shadows, such as internal Indigenous politics, as well as issues of immigration, ethnicity, and prohibition. Weaving together individuals and broad trends, Hoy shapes our understandings of the border and the efforts at controlling and patrolling it from both sides.
Raymond J. Cunningham Prize for Undergraduate Journal Article
Tara Madhav, University of California, Berkeley
“‘We Had to Do the Educating Ourselves’: Community Control and Desegregation at Ravenswood High School in East Palo Alto, California, 1958–1976,” Clio’s Scroll: The Berkeley Undergraduate History Journal 23, no. 1 (Fall 2021)
Faculty adviser: Bernadette Jeanne Pérez, University of California, Berkeley
Tara Madhav explores the process of desegregation in East Palo Alto following the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision. Moving beyond earlier scholarly views focused on busing and racial balance, Madhav argues that the unequal educational experiences for Black students at Ravenswood High School were founded on the school’s inability to create a culturally responsive and empowering education that focused on academic performance and community cultural resonance as the standards of educational justice. This is an important contribution to the historiography on desegregation.
Patricia Buckley Ebrey Prize in East Asian History
Maya K. H. Stiller, University of Kansas
Carving Status at Kŭmgangsan: Elite Graffiti in Premodern Korea (Univ. of Washington Press, 2021)
Carving Status at Kŭmgangsan is a penetrating study of socioeconomic changes among Chosŏn elite through their graffiti at Kŭmgangsan. Creatively drawing on archival sources and art history, Maya K. H. Stiller accomplishes something difficult and unusual: she illuminates the inaccessible landscape of Kŭmgangsan, an important North Korean mountain for elite inscription carving during the Chosŏn dynasty, while mapping the emergence of a nonaristocratic elite who asserted themselves socially and politically by putting their names in stone alongside famous predecessors.
John K. Fairbank Prize in East Asian History
Hwasook Nam, University of Washington
Women in the Sky: Gender and Labor in the Making of Modern Korea (Cornell Univ. Press, 2021)
Hwasook Nam’s Women in the Sky masterfully argues for the centrality of women industrial workers in the process of Korea’s economic and political modernization across the century from the colonial era through today. Nam reconstructs female workers’ activism, traces their transformative contributions to the movements for labor rights and democracy, and documents their erasure from the grand narrative of nation building. In making women workers visible, she shows how sexism and gendered power relations worked to perpetuate a deep social conservatism that haunts Korean society, constrains the labor movement, and distorts historical memory today.
Morris D. Forkosch Prize in British History
Paul R. Deslandes, University of Vermont
The Culture of Male Beauty in Britain: From the First Photographs to David Beckham (Univ. of Chicago Press, 2021)
In this deeply researched book, Paul R. Deslandes demonstrates that male beauty has its own rich history. He documents how standards of male beauty have changed over the last century and a half. Ideals about male beauty merged with evaluations of character and accomplishment, which were highly inflected by assumptions about class, race, and sexuality. Drawing on a wide variety of sources, Deslandes links the culture of beauty to topics as varied as consumerism, sports, warfare, and celebrity.
Leo Gershoy Award in Western European History
Emma Rothschild, Harvard University
An Infinite History: The Story of a Family in France over Three Centuries (Princeton Univ. Press, 2021)
Emma Rothschild’s An Infinite History traces the lives of the descendants of one woman across the tumultuous world of 18th- and 19th-century France and the globe. A focus on ordinary lives offers new perspectives on periods of extraordinary change in a novel history of social networks, empire and slavery, the French Revolution, and political and economic transformations. Extraordinarily rich ruminations on the practice of history itself pose fundamental questions about what historians do with the fragmentary evidence found in the archive.
William and Edwyna Gilbert Award for the Best Article on Teaching History
Brigid E. Vance, Lawrence University
“Finding Their Voice: Student Podcasts on the East Asian Collection at Lawrence University’s Wriston Galleries,” History Teacher 54, no. 4 (August 2021)
This article proposes an innovative pedagogical approach for a history course. It takes advantage of the university’s Japanese art collection as the research focus and uses the podcast model as the communication medium. It is a fascinating exploration of using a new process to engender student ownership over their learning. The presentation is embedded in the literature on teaching and learning and includes thoughtful explorations of the reasons for using various strategies.
Friedrich Katz Prize in Latin American History
Heather F. Roller, Colgate University
Contact Strategies: Histories of Native Autonomy in Brazil (Stanford Univ. Press, 2021)
Engagingly written and sharply argued, Contact Strategies reveals how the Mura and the Guaikurú of the colonial Amazon dictated the terms, timetable, and manner of their encounter with Europeans. By juxtaposing documentary silences with close readings of scant archival sources as well as incorporating critical ethnographic evidence, Heather F. Roller dynamically demonstrates how Indigenous people creatively adapted technologies, judicially acquired knowledge, and capably crossed borders based on their own desires, needs, and politics.
Joan Kelly Memorial Prize in Women’s History
Tiya Miles, Harvard University
All That She Carried: The Journey of Ashley’s Sack, a Black Family Keepsake (Random House, 2021)
An extraordinary analysis of love and sacrifice, Tiya Miles’s All That She Carried is a deeply researched and brilliantly argued history of Black motherhood. Miles traces the life of Ashley’s sack to illuminate enslaved Black women’s experience, what they required to survive, and what they valued enough to pass down. All That She Carried interweaves feminist theoretical approaches to reveal how a focus on women’s lives and material culture challenges accepted periodization and opens new intellectual vistas.
Martin A. Klein Prize in African History
Judith A. Byfield, Cornell University
The Great Upheaval: Women and Nation in Postwar Nigeria (Ohio Univ. Press, 2021)
Through impressively rich research and historiographical engagement, The Great Upheaval centers the political work of Abeokuta’s women. Judith A. Byfield proves the great extent to which a focus on gender offers us novel interpretations of nationalism, urban life, taxation, resistance, and religion. Moving away from teleological frameworks, Byfield offers us a remarkable and engaging narrative about the complexity of political and economic change in Abeokuta, and in Nigeria more broadly, during the postwar period.
Littleton-Griswold Prize in US Legal History
Kate Masur, Northwestern University
Until Justice Be Done: America’s First Civil Rights Movement, from the Revolution to Reconstruction (W. W. Norton, 2021)
Until Justice Be Done shines a clear and powerful light on the often-overlooked antebellum civil rights movement to reveal the essential role of Black activists and their white allies in shaping the political and legal conditions of possibility for the 14th Amendment and racial equality. Ranging expertly over multiple archives and subfields, Kate Masur shows that the Reconstruction laws were not Congress’s hastily improvised response to southern efforts to return freedpeople to the condition of slavery, as most historians have assumed. Rather, they had deep roots in free Black communities’ response to the enactment of racist laws in the northern states, decades before the Civil War. As engrossing as it is exigent, Until Justice Be Done is a tour de force.
J. Russell Major Prize in French History
Sarah C. Dunstan, University of Glasgow
Race, Rights and Reform: Black Activism in the French Empire and the United States from World War I to the Cold War (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2021)
Race, Rights and Reform is a deeply researched transnational intellectual and political history that investigates how Black activists on both sides of the Atlantic advanced antiracism in the mid-20th century. Sarah C. Dunstan’s careful, perceptive investigation analyzes Black philosophers’ and artists’ ideological influences and theoretical contributions in their evolving struggles against colonialism, fascism, the world wars, and systemic inequity in France and the United States. It is relevant, insightful, and compelling.
Helen & Howard R. Marraro Prize in Italian History
Federica Francesconi, University at Albany, State University of New York
Invisible Enlighteners: The Jewish Merchants of Modena, from the Renaissance to the Emancipation (Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 2021)
Analyzing the transformational roles played by Jewish merchants with the 1598 (re)establishment of the Este dynasty in Modena, Invisible Enlighteners reveals a distinctively Italian model of Jewish integration in which cultured merchants (including entrepreneurial and philanthropic women) went from invisible actors to “visible enlighteners” prominent in European-wide debates on Jewish emancipation.
George L. Mosse Prize in European Intellectual and Cultural History
Kira Thurman, University of Michigan
Singing Like Germans: Black Musicians in the Land of Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms (Cornell Univ. Press, 2021)
Covering over a century of modern German and Austrian history, Kira Thurman’s transnational study, Singing Like Germans, documents the presence, popularity, and impact of Black classical musicians in central Europe and the place of “German” classical music in African American culture. It brilliantly combines close attention to individual performers’ lives and careers with penetrating analysis of the limiting and distorting effects of national and racial prejudice on musical culture, tradition, performance, and reception.
John E. O’Connor Film Award
Documentary: How the Monuments Came Down
Hannah Ayers and Lance Warren, producers and directors (Field Studio, in association with Virginia Public Media, 2021)
Taking the Confederate statues erected on Monument Avenue in Richmond, Virginia, and their removal as its subject, How the Monuments Came Down shows how these statues shored up white supremacy and how Black people contested those regimes over almost 160 years. This story emerges compellingly through the voices of historians, activists, descendants, and community members. Rather than a triumphant narrative of justice achieved, the film proposes that the project of racial liberation is an ongoing, unfinished project.
Eugenia M. Palmegiano Prize in the History of Journalism
Kathy Roberts Forde, University of Massachusetts Amherst, and Sid Bedingfield, University of Minnesota
Journalism and Jim Crow: White Supremacy and the Black Struggle for a New America (Univ. of Illinois Press, 2021)
Journalism and Jim Crow, through a series of thematically and theoretically related research essays, illuminates the role of the white southern press as a builder, and not merely a bystander/observer, in the construction of racially segregated institutions and norms. Juxtaposing this view of the white press as a political actor furthering and maintaining systemic racism is rich material demonstrating how the Black press worked to serve the prized American press function as a bulwark of democratic and egalitarian ideals.
James A. Rawley Prize in Atlantic History
Tessa Murphy, Syracuse University
The Creole Archipelago: Race and Borders in the Colonial Caribbean (Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 2021)
The Creole Archipelago is a rich history of the Kalinago, a multiracial, multiethnic people who through interisland maritime networks established autonomous societies in the Lesser Antilles of the eastern Caribbean during the 17th and 18th centuries. Drawing attention to practices of subaltern maritime movement rather than to imperial dominion, Tessa Murphy narrates a new and deeply engaging Atlantic world story of ethnogenesis, of Indigenous and African resistance, and of enslaver negotiation and accommodation.
Premio Del Rey in Early Spanish History
Dwight F. Reynolds, University of California, Santa Barbara
The Musical Heritage of Al-Andalus (Routledge, 2021)
At once technical and accessible, Dwight F. Reynolds’s The Musical Heritage of Al-Andalus was the unanimous selection out of a strong field of entries for the 2022 Premio del Rey. Reynolds judiciously teases out the elusive history of music from the time of the Islamic conquest of Iberia through the Morisco era, touching on matters as diverse as instrumentation, theory, lyric, and performance among the traditions of Christians, Muslims, and Jews in Iberia and the Mediterranean world.
John F. Richards Prize in South Asian History
Shahla Hussain, Saint John’s University
Kashmir in the Aftermath of Partition (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2021)
Shahla Hussain’s Kashmir in the Aftermath of Partition foregrounds key concepts of freedom, self-determination, and Kashmiriyat in presenting a nuanced and innovative history of the region of Jammu and Kashmir in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent. Hussain’s work helps us see how important aazadi (freedom) and insaaf (justice) are as historically situated moral and political concepts in Kashmir, especially since 1947. Hussain centers Kashmiri voices and renders them as active historical and political subjects. This is a meticulously researched and expansive work that promises to open new vistas for research on questions of territory, belonging, faith, resistance, and self-determination.
James Harvey Robinson Prize in the Teaching and Learning of History
Zachary Schrag, George Mason University
The Princeton Guide to Historical Research (Princeton Univ. Press, 2021)
Zachary Schrag has written an exceptional volume that is as comprehensive as it is engaging. Historians and history instructors at all levels—from high school to those teaching graduate research seminars—will find tremendous value here. At every turn, this guide offers practical advice, surprising wit, and even wisdom. We anticipate it will quickly become the new standard for historical research.
Dorothy Rosenberg Prize in History of the Jewish Diaspora
Michah Gottlieb, New York University
The Jewish Reformation: Bible Translation and Middle-Class German Judaism as Spiritual Enterprise (Oxford Univ. Press, 2021)
In a riveting work, Michah Gottlieb tells the story of “the Jewish Reformation”—namely, the endeavor to reconstruct a new form of Judaism grounded in German middle-class modernity. Gottlieb both unsettles and reconstitutes the boundaries between Protestantism and Judaism, and redefines, in original ways, such terms as Orthodoxy and Reform. This excellent work raises fascinating questions about how we read religious texts; what is specific about such readings and what is universal about them; and how translation, education, and novel understandings of culture and cultural production generate new exegetical practices.
Roy Rosenzweig Prize for Innovation in Digital History
Tara Nummedal, Brown University, andDonna Bilak, New York University
Furnace and Fugue: A Digital Edition of Michael Maier’s Atalanta fugiens(1618) with Scholarly Commentary (Univ. of Virginia Press, 2021)
Furnace and Fugue exemplifies the best in born-digital research with a rich integration of text, sound, and imagery—all of which facilitates a deeper scholarly engagement with the historical document. This elegant, meticulously designed website makes it possible, for the first time, for scholars and students to grasp as a whole the visual, aural, and written elements of a complex 17th-century work. Digital linkages and essays unlock the puzzles that alchemist and author Michael Maier embedded in his multilayered texts and images. Both approachable and deeply researched, Furnace and Fugue combines great design with the unique affordances of a digital medium. It brings depth and rigor to a fascinating topic, with evident care for how a user will navigate the site.
Wesley-Logan Prize in African Diaspora History
Yesenia Barragan, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Freedom’s Captives: Slavery and Gradual Emancipation on the Colombian Black Pacific (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2021)
Freedom’s Captives presents a stunning narrative of gradual emancipation in the Colombian Black Pacific from 1821 to 1852. With gripping storytelling, Yesenia Barragan centers gender and reproduction in the paradox of liberal freedom. She illustrates Colombia’s significance in the history of “free womb” laws in the Americas and shows how free womb children and their kin used the law to maneuver freedom for themselves. This is a compelling book on an understudied area of the Spanish-speaking African diaspora.
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