Publication Date

October 1, 1997

The American Historical Association's annual Job Register provides institutions and candidates with facilities and administrative support for position interviewing during the AHA annual meeting. In accordance with AHA policy, which supports open listing of employment opportunities, the annual meeting Job Register facility will be open to all annual meeting participants.

Although many institutions may find they are overwhelmed with responses to their job listing, the AHA strongly urges schools to at least acknowledge the receipt of all c.v.'s. Such an action demonstrates professional courtesy and recognizes the efforts of fellow historians in a tight job market. Message forms and c.v.'s may be returned to individual job candidate folders.

We strongly recommend that institutions and candidates prearrange all interviews before the annual meeting. You must register for the annual meeting in order to participate in the Job Register, the Book Exhibit, or any of the sessions.

Job Register Hours: Thursday, January 8, 2:00-6:00 p.m. (prearranged interviews only); Friday and Saturday, January 9-10, 9:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. Sunday, January 11, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. No exceptions are made to stated times.


Job Register suites and tables are reserved on a first-cornel first-served basis. Reservations received after the deadline of November 15, 1997, may not be considered. We recommend that interviewers overestimate the number of interview time slots they will need, as the rate of responses from job applicants tends to be higher than anticipated.

Suite Reservations: Due to space limitations during the annual meeting, we must limit each institution to one suite for one day only, unless extra suites become available. A suite can be reserved at the rate of $140 per day, or $80 per half day. Half-day reservations are available in four-hour blocks from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., and from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. The suites are small conference-style rooms that are ideal for interviewing. Each suite is equipped with small tables, chairs, bathroom, and closet. Suites are reserved only if prepaid by the deadline of November 15, 1997. We cannot hold suites if prepayment is not received. If you wish the Job Register staff to collect c.v.’s for you, please indicate this on the suite reservation form and attach a copy of the job description(s). If you are holding only prearranged interviews, you do not have to send a complete job description. However, please list the field and specialization so the position can be identified.

Keys for suites may be picked up at the Job Register information table one-half hour before interviews are scheduled to begin. Do not ask hotel staff for suite keys.

Table Reservations: Up to two tables may be reserved at no cost for each day of the Job Register. If you wish the Job Register staff to collect c.v.’s for you, please indicate this on the table reservation form and attach a copy of the job description(s). If you are holding only prearranged interviews, you do not have to send a complete job description. However, please list the field and specialization so the position can be identified.

Noninterviewing Vacancy Announcements and Late Notices: Send in a noninterviewing job announcement by November 15, 1997, and we will include it in the Job Register handout. We will also have bulletin boards available for posting late-breaking notices. Bring four copies of each late-breaking job notice to the Job Register information table for posting.


Interviewing Outside the Job Register: The Association urges all interviewing institutions to use the Job Register facilities for all interviews. When the Job Register facilities are not used, it is the responsibility of the candidate and the interviewer to make their own arrangements for the interview. As interviewing outside the Job Register is against AHA policy, the Job Register staff will not collect c.v.'s or keep track of room assignments of nonparticipating institutions.

If an interviewer or interviewee cannot make an interview that was arranged independently of the Job Register, they should leave a message at the message center in the AHA registration area.

Prearranged Interviews: After advertising their positions in Perspectives, many institutions will contact selected candidates to prearrange interviews at the Job Register. Interviewees need not check in with Job Register staff before their prearranged interview, but may proceed directly to the interviewer’s table or suite.

All interviewing institutions must have a search committee member complete table or suite reservation forms to reserve up to two tables and/ or one suite at the Job Register. Call the Job Register Coordinator at (202) 544-2422 to have these forms sent to your department. Be sure to complete the forms, particularly the section for address, contact, and phone number. Please type or print clearly, and be sure all the information has been checked carefully before sending in your reservations.

Location: Interviewing tables will be in the Convention Center. Suites will be in the Convention Center and the Sheraton. In early December, you will receive a confirmation with your table/suite assignment in the mail.


Procedures: Each position notice will be listed a handout available during the annual meeting. Positions are listed by geographic area, then by state, then by field or specialization. Some departments announcing positions will not interview but will provide an address for further inquiries from interested candidates. Positions scheduled for interviews at the Job Register have generally appeared as job advertisements in a fall issue of Perspectives. Please note that the Job Register staff will not sign up job candidates for interviews. Staff will collect c.v.’s, and it will be the interviewers’ responsibility to contact candidates and schedule interviews during the scheduled times.

Important: Candidates should come prepared with a sufficient supply of c.v.’s, notepaper, and writing implements. Please do not rely on the copying facility in the hotel; prices are high, and the lines long.

  1. Read Job Register Handout: Handouts provided at the annual meeting list all noninterviewing and interviewing position openings of institutions participating in the Job Register. There will also be bulletin boards where late-breaking announcements and other notices will be posted. Candidates should review the positions for which they are qualified and determine when they are available for an interview.
  2. Submit c.v.'s for Positions of Interest at School Folder Tables: Job Register staff will collect candidate c.v.’s at school folder tables, where the folders for each interviewing institution will be located. Candidates should submit one c.v. with an attached message sheet (provided by the Job Register) for each position for which they would like to interview.
  3. Set Up Individual Folder: Proceed to the job candidate folder tables, where Job Register staff will set up individual folders. Interviewing institutions will either contact interviewees directly or leave messages in candidate folders. Job candidates should check their folders periodically for messages.

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