Publication Date

November 1, 1991

Perspectives Section

AHA Annual Meeting

The 106th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association will be held in Chicago at the Chicago Hilton and Towers, with additional affiliated society sessions at the Congress Hotel and the Palmer House. Over 750 scholars, including fifty-six from abroad, will appear on the program. In addition, forty-four affiliated societies will cosponsor sessions or hold separate luncheons, sessions, and meetings. These events are listed in the front portion of the Program, beginning on page 14. Highlighted below are just a few of the 140 AHA sessions that the Program Committee, chaired by Linda Hall, University of New Mexico, has planned. Members should consult the Program for a complete listing of sessions beginning on page 43.

The theme of the 1991 meeting is the quincentenary of the voyage of Columbus to America, a theme that will continue through the 1992 annual meeting. The Program Committee sought to explore the encounter of Native American, European, and African peoples from a variety of perspectives. Two plenary sessions in observance of the quincentennial will open the meeting on the evening of December 27th. At 6:00 p.m., Helen Nader, Indiana University will chair “Global Encounters, 1430–1750,” in which Joseph Miller, University of Virginia, will speak on Africa; A.J.R. Russell-Wood, Johns Hopkins University, on Central and South America; and James Axtell, College of William and Mary, on North America. The second plenary session, commencing at 8:30 p.m., will offer “Alternative Views of the Quincentenary.” Chaired by Evelyn Hu-DeHart, University of Colorado, Boulder, papers will be presented by Rayna Green, National Museum of American History, on the Native American perspective; David Carrasco, University of Colorado at Boulder, on the Hispanic perspective; and Joseph E. Harris, Howard University, on the African-American perspective.

Additional panels in commemoration of the quincentennial will be offered in each time period throughout the three-day meeting. Sessions include “’92: Historians and Television,” “Medieval Background of Columbus,” “Native American Health and Disease,” “Sex, Race, and the Politics of Conquest: A Roundtable,” “Portugal and Africa in the Age of Encounter,” “The Politics of Development in the Third World,” “An Unholy Alliance: Church and State in the Colonization and Settlement of America,” “The Celebration 100 Years Ago: The Impact and Influence of the Columbian Exposition,” “America as a Land of Opportunity: Missionary Perspectives,” and “When Worlds Collide: Translating Quincentenary Scholarship into Effective Teaching.” Please see the Program for a complete listing of theme sessions, beginning on page 34.

Other panels of interest include a session on “Communist Collapse or Civic Revolution? Interpreting the GDR Upheaval, October to November 1989” chaired by George C. Iggers, SUNY-Buffalo, with papers presented by Christoph Klessman, Universität Bielefeld; Jürgen John, Institut für Deutsche Geschichte; and Konrad H. Jarausch, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Comment will be provided by Hannah Schissler, German Historical Institute, Washington, DC. “Pearl Harbor as Symbol: A Fifty-Year Retrospective” offers papers by Edward T. Linenthal, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Yue-him Tam, Macalester College. Emily S. Rosenberg, Macalester College, will chair and Bruce Cumings, University of Chicago, and Clayton Koppes, Oberlin College, will provide comment. Anne Firor Scott, Duke University, will chair a session on “Women, Philanthropy, and Power.” Papers will be presented by Lori D. Ginzberg, Penn State University; Kathleen D. McCarthy, Graduate School & University Center-CUNY; and Guy Alchon, University of Delaware.

The AHA-Canadian Historical Association Joint Committee is sponsoring a session on “The Balkanization of Nation-States: Canadian and American Examples” with papers by Clark Cahow, Duke University, and Michael Behiels, University of Ottawa. Ruth Roach Pierson, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, will chair and John Herd Thompson, Duke University, will comment. The AHA Teaching Division and the National Center for History in the Schools will present “History’s Many Voices: Bringing Them Alive in Your Classroom,” and the AHA Professional Division and the AHA-OAH-SAA Joint Committee on Historians and Archivists are sponsoring “Sources? Who Needs Them? The Historical Documents Study Report.” The AHA Professional Division and the Coordinating Committee on Women in the Historical Profession/Conference Group on Women’s History will sponsor a workshop on “Interviewing and the Job Market in the 1990s.”

In addition, members will be interested in sessions held at the Newberry Library and the Chicago Historical Society. “Cartographic Resources for the Study and Teaching of History” will be presented at the Newberry Library, with papers on “Maps as Texts” by Brian Harley, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; “Developing a Historical Atlas for a Metropolitan Area” by David Buisseret, The Newberry Library; and “Maps as Sources for Teaching Survey Courses: American History and Western Civilization” by Gerald Danzer, University of Illinois at Chicago. A reception will follow for attendees. Eric Foner, Columbia University, and Olivia Mahoney, Chicago Historical Society, curators of the Society’s new exhibit, A House Divided: America in the Age of Lincoln, will lead a tour of the exhibition at the Society for AHA annual meeting participants.

All members should by now have received their printed Program twhich contains the preregistration form for the meeting. The form should be returned to the headquarters office by December 6. The hotel reservation form appeared in the September issue of Perspectives. Both forms are also available through the headquarters office at 400 A St., SE, Washington, DC 20003.

Information on discount airfares on American Airlines can be obtained by calling American’s toll free number: 1-800-433-1790, Star file number S.09D1BD.